Anonymous > Edward Elric <

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Secret notes from Who?


'You're so beautiful without even having to try, how is it possible?'

You blushed in embarrassment when re-reading the words in front of you. Narrowing your eyes at the banal note left on your desk, you rushed to the door of your office in Central Command to hastily swipe the door open, only to see Alphonse Elric standing by as nonchalant as they come, or so you thought.

"Alphonse.. Did you see anyone come by my office recently?"

The boy in the armour visibly flinched as if in fear of being accused of something. Your brows furrowed but you fell deflated when he rapidly shook his head without a word before walking off in a haste.

Slowly entering the room again, you closed the door behind you as a smile inevitably grew on your mildly pink face.


'I wish I could be more quixotically romantic for you.'

Well that definitely crossed off a lot of males in the building you worked. You were sure a lot more than half of the men here had no idea what 'quixotically' even meant, so that what was led you to the library to find the thesaurus,

'Impractical, Idealistic, Chivalrous and Impulsive' appeared in the large piece of literature. Once again it made you blush, but what you didn't notice in your surroundings, was the seven-foot metal armour and the obvious placing of the thesaurus when you entered the library.


That was all yesterday, you had received two anonymous notes and kept them in the back of your draw in your desk. They left no hints and you had your doubts when thinking about if this was a prank or a legitimate way to actually be with you, romantically.

When thinking about the notes; since they had ceased to leave your mind, your automatic thought was the Fullmetal Alchemist; Edward Elric. You already knew not to get your hopes up but it was your brains motorised response when receiving love letters out of the blue.

Time had passed and it was now lunch time, you made your way into the mess hall whilst brewing a plan to get more hints or answers on Mr. Anonymous.

"Hey Ed, Alphonse. How are you guys?"

You sat a table, planting a content grin on your face as you observed Ed stutter for a second before answering cooly whilst his younger brother watched before also answering,

"I-I..Uh, I'm doing great!-"

"I'm fine (Y/N), thanks for asking." You smiled again, looking down at the table before a tray of food was then passed to you, you gaped in surprise and looked up to see Edward rubbing the back of his head with one arm whilst he turned a looked to his side.

"Just take the food, you're always forgetting your own anyway. Jeez I don't know what you'd do without me.."

You almost gasped aloud, keeping it subtlety hidden in a small cough of astonishment. You knew your face had exploded with blush and by the way Ed exploded with wide eyes and stutters of embarrassment, he was most likely also not expecting himself to say that; especially out loud.

"- Uh-I meant 'cause we-we're fr-friends! O-obviously.."

".. Ah, of course Ed."

You stuck on a fake smile, feeling a tinge of hurt inside but not willing to show. It wasn't your fault that Ed didn't like you the same way you like him. Just like it wasn't your fault that you had to go off and fall for him, you had it bad.

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