Chapter 24: Broken

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Max's POV----3 Years Later

Robbie and I had been together for three years. Amazing years, in my opinion. And mostly anyone else would tell you that we were the picture of a perfect couple. The few arguments we ever had ended within a day and were never very important. We always managed to solve the problems with very few words spoken and no harshness at all. No one said anything they'd regret, we were honest with each other, we gave each other the perfect amount of space. Neither of us felt like the other was too clingy and yet, neither of us felt neglected. Henry ended up living with Jared and my parents with nowhere else to go, since we had not been able to find a family for him. He and Jared got along better now with Jared liking the idea of not being the youngest.

However, perfect things don't stay perfect.

Which bring us to Robbie, who had been getting far more distant lately. He rarely visited, rarely called me on weekends, rarely texted me, and in fact, there were times we had gone without talking at all for weeks at a time.

I convinced myself I was concerned about nothing and that I probably was, in fact, being too clingy. So I let him be with hardly any questions. The times he did come over, did text me, did call me, and did talk to was almost like he wasn't there. And he lied a lot more.

"My parents invited us to dinner. Mom kinda misses having you around. Jared and Henry too."

"Um...sorry, love. I can't tonight."

"Why?", I asked curiously.

"Well...I just...promised my parents I'd have dinner with them. You should go though. Tell them I say hi, okay?"


"And next time, you can come with me to see my parents. My sisters miss you."

I giggled.

"Okay. I'll talk to you later. Love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up the phone and sighed. Robbie had never been the best liar. He usually hesitates and stutters when he does, but I don't tell him because it's not like I want him to get better at lying to me. I knew he wasn't having dinner with his parents, but I decided to call and ask anyway.


"Hi, Mrs. Kay."

"Max! Oh my gosh. It's so nice to hear from you. How's London?"

"Um...o...kay, I guess. Robbie there, by any chance? I he having dinner with you?"

", dear. Robbie said he couldn't come. He said he had some...last minute refilming thing, I don't know. Actor lingo, right?"

I chuckled fakely.

"Y-yeah. Robbie sure does keep himself busy. Um...why did you ask how London was?"

"Well, I mean how's your trip going? Is the weather okay?"

"Um...I wouldn't know. I'm...not in London."

"You aren't?"

"No. I haven't been to London in a while, actually. Why did you think-"

"Robbie told me you'd be in London for a few weeks, which is why you couldn't come to any of our little get-togethers we've had recently."

"He never told me about any get-togethers."

"Camilla and her new husband have been there and Fiona and Robbie. But Robbie said he couldn't bring you because of you're London trip."

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