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Amu walked through the hallways and sneakily passed by the teachers.Her definition of sneakily that is.The teacher ignored her to prevent her getting embarrased also it would seem that her class is close by.Amu climbed up the stairway to the rooftop and breathed in the air.There was no difference but it made her feel refreshed.She threw herself to the green fence.The scenery of the town filled her eyes.Everyone that was walking looked like ants.She could crush them anytime.Amu closed her eyes and started to sing.She felt comfy and safe there that she can't help but sing.It was with no lyrics,just to fit the mood.

The blue haired boy awoke from his sleep.His ears perked up from the singing.The voice was soft and pure.Just like a lullaby.He felt like sleeping but still had the urge to check who was singing.His eyes darted from side to side like a cat.Various faces passed through his mind.He looked at his phone and confirmed the time.'It is still class time so no one should be here...' his mind persisted.The singing stopped to a halt.He moved forward and saw Amu.She was leaning against the fence peacefully.The blue haired boy stared at her clothing.There wasn't an ounce of fashion sense.An oversized blue shirt together with black jeans.It could be fashionable but with the brown hair and huge glasses.It wouldn't work out.He thought for a while before closing up on her and stared.That would be considered creepy but this was his turf so he decided to stare.Amu's eyes shot open when she felt herself moving.Her charas was pushing her from behind with all their might.Her eyes opened and saw his face staring right at hers.Talk about awkward.

"How may I help you?" Amu's face twitched as she pushed the rim of her glasses up.

"Aina.Shouldn't you be in class," His voice had a bit of concern but also had fierceness.

Amu stood up and nodded.She looked around and decided on a area.She walked towards in and sat down.Amu was sitting on the stairs,she was disappointed with the view here and silently cursed for the school did not install windows.That way,she wasn't in his turf and she could slack off at the same time.Or so she thought.Amu's field of vision was covered by his face.

"What do you want..." Amu paused and went in deep thought.She didn't know his name.Even after seeing him for the third time already.

"Ikuto.Tsu-ki-yo-mi Iku-to."

Amu waved his words away and continued to doze off.Ikuto sat down beside her and watched the time.'What kind of student skips their class on the first day of school,' Ikuto thought.

Time passed by ever so slowly.Even a snail can win against it.Amu opened her eyes and started to rub them habitually.She took in the smell of shampoo and soap.It smelled like something she has never smelled before.It was an entirely new smell.Amu stood up and shoved Ikuto's head away.She rushed through the corridors,avoiding Ikuto.Amu tried her best to read the time every single time she passed by a classroom. She heard the bell ring,signaling the end of the lesson.

"Amu,the next class is Art right?" Miki hummed.

Amu giggled and rushed back to class.She was greeted by a furious Rima.The lecture held worry and kindness.Amu smiled at that.Rima finally stopped and allowed Amu to breathe.Amu and Rima left for the art room.As they were walking,a twin tailed blond joined them.

"I have art now too.Lets hang out like last time Am- I mean Aina," The blond said,trying to be careful about her words.

Everyone's high spirit dropped when they saw the art teacher.

Author's note
I would like to thank AmerikaSakura ,for viewing and voting on all my chapters.Thank you so much.It means alot to me.I hope you continue to enjoy my chapters.

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