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Ikuto only stared at the hand reached out towards him.

"Watching you is enough for me," he didn't take the hand.

"Its more fun to join in than just watch.A game.One takes all," Amu held out her fingers,proving her point."Scissors,paper,stone!" 

After the one try,Amu saw as she had scissors while he showed rock."A two out of three match!"

Amu's charas just shouted in shock as Amu gave a very big lead to herself.After a few rounds,Amu was victorious as she saw Ikuto try to sit himself on the swing.She tried to stifle her laugh as he sank himself into the swing,pouting with flushed cheeks.Amu laughed as he awkwardly tried to swing back and forth.She quickly took out her cellphone and tried to take a picture,only to have one successful shot taken as Ikuto quickly tried to cover the lenses for the phone.She pushed the swing from behind,slowly trying to increase the height and speed it was going.Ikuto grinned as he gripped on the chains connected to the seat.Amu stopped,only to sit down and notice Ikuto pushing from behind.She let out a scream,clearly enjoying the rate she was going.Amu quickly dashed off to the slides when she had the time.

"Ikuto!Let's get on that!" 

He could only heave a sigh as he followed her to the slide.It reminded him vaguely of when he played as a child.Amu dragged Ikuto to play areas one after another.

"Amu?!Ikuto!" a voice yelled.

"Kukai!" Amu shouted in response.

"What are you doing here?" he asked,walking closer to Amu.

"Playing at a park," Ikuto replied,nonchalantly.

"I can see that.I'm asking why she is meeting with you."

"He wanted to give me something so here I am," Amu continued,"It's only normal to meet him if he wanted to."

Kukai dragged Ikuto away from Amu and wrapped his hand around Ikuto's neck. "You met her already,is she the same person you are talking about?" 

"Yoru,is she the same person?" Ikuto shifted the question to Yoru.

"The hair is the same so probably."

Amu looked at the time on her phone.It was past the time she was supposed to pick Ami up. "Sorry,Ikuto,Kukai!I need to go first!Meet you guys next time."

She quickly dashed off,already imagining Ami's expression.Kukai watched as Amu moved away and turned his attention back to Ikuto.He was also preparing to head back.

"Ikuto,don't tell anyone you met Amu!She hates being the center of attention!" Kukai lied through his teeth.He wasn't sure if she hates being the center of attention but he added those words.

Ikuto only gave a few waves,signaling that he understood.Kukai heaved a sigh and started to head back as well.Both of them worried about Amu.Ikuto focused on Amu and her identity.Despite meeting after school,she came in her home clothes instead of school clothes.As if she didn't want him to know her school.Ikuto believed that it was a coincidence but there was still a part of doubting her identity.Kukai on the other hand,was worried if Amu was found out.He had told her that he would keep her identity a secret and he intended to follow it all the way.Knowing his friend,Ikuto could be sharp about the slightest things.

"Ami!Sorry,did you wait long?" Amu met her sister in her breathless state,still trying to gasp for air.

"Sis!Took you long enough.The teacher was about to take me home," Ami replied with her smiling face.

"Despite only being 50 minutes late?" Amu countered.

This time,Amu didn't doubt Yoru or Ikuto.Her outfit wasn't her school uniform,she acted different than how Aina does,she felt completely excited about it.She didn't think that it would last long due to Yoru finding out about her real hair colour.Her charas didn't say anything about her acting so she was completely comfortable with the moment.

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