Transfer Students

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Amu walked with no confidence,preparing to be in character.Her route to school was empty and the sky was still dark,the sun was taking its time to come up.Her ears caught the noise that was travelling behind her.Loud footsteps and over exaggerated,clouds of dust was following the footsteps.Amu nearly bounced out of the way until she was dragged by the hand of this runner.

"Wait!Why are you dragging me along with you?" Her voice barely made it to his ears.

She slowly grew pale as she realised how much attention followed her.Her head was low as she was tearing up.Amu's three charas tried to keep up with the speed that their precious Amu was moving.All of them exchanged glances.Ahead,was a very furious Student Council.The exaggerated clouds of dust,came from the floor so it was only natural that the ground would become unnatural.

"Souma Kukai!What is the meaning of this!" the President (kaichou/head of student Council/chairperson) roared.

The voice was filled with anger.Amu's mind became flustered as she started to cry,mentally.

"I'm sure they didn't mean any harm!" A saddened voice yells."They simply wanted to reach the classroom in time."

A petite blond boy appears with teary eyes.His ruby eyes glittered as he came up with an excuse.Amu glanced at him as she realised the attention was unbearable.She quickly carried herself as her characters lines was in play.

"I am so sorry to trouble all of you.I will repay you back one day," Amu said before silently walking away.

"That was a close one wasn't it Am-I mean Aina-chan," Ran spoke with her bright pom poms.

None of the charas could get used to calling Amu,Aina.She started walking to the direction of her classroom.Her ears was filled with chatter from her charas.Amu reached her unusually silent classroom and sat down.Since Ikuto,Kukai and Tadase are not there,the girls are silent.Amu took out a book and started to study.Lessons flew by and it was the long awaited break.Amu casually strolled towards Rima,both of them walking together.They reached the canteen but this time,it was empty.Amu used this as a chance and she started to rush.Her favourite bread was in reach.Or so she thought.Amu had carelessly bumped into someone.She stumbled backwards,a motion stating she's going to fall.Her eyes was shut,ready to feel the pain.That didn't come.She opened her eyes to dark purple hair.It was as long as a girl's but the uniform is blue.Amu's mind exploded from the thinking.

"Are you alright?" the worried voice asked.

"Yes.Thank you for saving me..." Amu stopped.She didn't know his name.

"Nagihiko.Fujisaki Nagihiko."

"Nice to meet you Nagihiko,I'm Aina," Amu stated in a petite voice.

Amu gave a small nod and scurried off to buy her favourite bread.Her head was filled with the different choices she had to make.All the different ways to complete her character.Miki looked back to the purple haired boy,finding something odd.Suu,was completely absorbed at the different kind of bread.Her eyes glittered,as she looked for a delicious looking bread.After the choosing,Amu went back to Rima.She had her lunch box but it was not touched.Amu was puzzled.

"I was waiting for you Aina.Lets eat together," she said with an embarrassed smile.

Amu nodded excitedly.Her mouth inches away from biting down the bread.However,a silent lunch break was impossible to achieve with The Popular Kidz.

"Utau!Such wonderful hair you have today!" a girl shouts.Soon,another comment comes,"Ikuto!The wonderful hair and piercing eyes!" The last comment was,"As expected of the Tsukiyomi Family!"

Amu became slightly annoyed as this was going to happen in her daily life.She could feel it in her veins.Utau took a sneak peek at Amu's face.Although they aren't talking,Amu is still her friend.However,one question remained in her mind and bugged her.How did Amu come to like being someone else? Utau's face became slightly miserable.She wasn't in Amu's life for five whole years.The change was new to her.Unlike her brother,Utau was more concerned.Amu's eyes darted side to side.As she realised that the table for the popular,are seated in front of her.She had to make a run for it.If Utau became careless and started becoming friendly with her.Her eyes quickly found someone in a bind.A green haired boy,lost in direction.His eyes ran from the sign to the chara beside him.Amu was about to approach him until she remembered her character.The nerdy girl that is not friendly.Amu's face grew even more pale.Until,her three charas started shaking her violently.

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