Fully Revealed

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Her legs running away from the crowd,leading her to Nagihiko's smiling figure.

"Do you know where my wig is?" her question turning desperate each time asked.

"I don't...Where did you last put it?" his smile remained flawless.

Her eyes thoroughly searching for anything brown,legs moving to any possible area.Feeling that it was lost forever,the tears that was held back,released.It flowed down her creamy cheeks,unstoppable.This scene only causing the guilt to cut Nagihiko deeper.Hearing her soft sniffs,he rushed off.With only one goal in mind.He returned with her wig in hand,standing slightly further from her.Positioning his hand,he aimed and threw the item.Wishing that it landed where he wished.

The position slightly off but it landed where he wished.Directly on the pink hair.As a final blow,Kukai rushed over and shoved her glasses on.

"Aina! Where have you been all this time?" Kukai shouted,feeling slight guilt.

Curios eyes turned towards them,while they gathered.Ikuto continued watching,his eyes glued to the situation.

"Wasn't it supposed to be Amu?" he questioned aloud,enough for it to reach Yoru's ears.Looking at Amu's flustered figure,a smirk formed on his lips as he solved the current situation.

"Amu,Aina and purple haired boy are the same person.And it took me this long to figure this out?" his chuckle slightly more menacing than the usual.

The people surrounding Amu had similar questions but different answers.Rima was hidden at the back,waiting for Amu's actions.Trapped in another situation,she simply moved away with a smile and puffy red eyes.Having his cat ears and tail,he jumped down,placing his hand behind her knees.Raising it,only to have Kukai hit the wig and glasses off.Clicking his tongue,he increased speed and jumped back to his original position.Everything happening in a blur,with Amu unable to voice any complaints.Until Ikuto set her down.

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