Ikuto's Search

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Amu arrived to her school the next day,looking around suspiciously for any cats.

"All clear!" Ran shouted.

She moved forward,afraid of anything approaching her.Her eyes darting around.When she finally reached her classroom,another problem arised.

"Have you seen any girl with pink hair?" a voice sounded.

With this,Kukai turned to Amu and stared.Amu didn't return the eye contact and simply ignored the statement.Ran and Miki was observing the situation closely while Suu remained with Amu.The fangirls that surrounded Ikuto was soon bombarding him with questions.The ones that were too shy to ask would silently fidget and start to think of different things.

"Everyone calm down.Let Ikuto speak for himself," Kukai tried to calm the crowd of girls.

"Thanks Kukai.I saw her a few days ago and noticed how her hair colour was different.She would frequent this place but recently she has not been there.Since she looked our age,I thought of asking around," Ikuto concocted without blinking.

Amu heard the story and scoffed at the lie he created without batting an eyelid.Her charas couldn't help but feel amazed at the story he whipped up on the spot.His story managed to calm the girls and have them think.Rima slightly interested in the sudden talk of a pink haired girl.Also how Amu didn't approach her.She stood up from her seat and moved past the whispering girls.

"Aina.Do you know what he is talking about?" Rima said,looking at Amu's reaction.

"No,I wonder where he received that story.Not many people have pink hair," Amu replied quickly,waiting for Rima's answer.

"That's what most people would think.I did really see her though.Why would I lie?" Ikuto's voice louder than before,clearly replying to Amu's words.

"How would I know if you are lying.However,a pink haired girl doesn't appear often," Amu countered loudly.

Kukai and Rima watched in amusement as they argued without any eye contact.

"Are you initiating that I'm lying?Although it sounds weird,I know for sure that she does exist."

"I'm not initiating anything.In actual fact,I am simply countering what you saw.Since I have never seen a pink haired girl.Even if I did,she would have dyed her hair to get that hair colour."

Finally,both of them faced each other and gave a death glare.Neither one intending to back down.Kukai whistled at their actions.Rima on the other hand,intended to stop Amu.The original crowd witnessing a change in character from both of them.Kukai walked over to Amu and dragged her out of the classroom.

"Aina or Amu,whichever it is.Can I tell Ikuto that it is you?"

"Of course not!" Amu hissed.

"Then tell me your number.I will tell Ikuto that number so he would calm down for now."

Amu rejected the idea but gave up with Kukai's pestering.They exchanged numbers and Kukai quickly disappearing to the classroom.Amu walked up the stairs to her favorite resting spot despite class starting within ten minutes.She gripped the green fence and was tempted to scream.Other than hiding her identity,her charas had to be hidden too.Since she can't let anyone know about her hair.Recently,the amount of X-eggs dropped so Amu was only left to worry about the problem arising in school.The mysterious pink haired girl.Although she knew full well that it was because of the cat chara.With that,Amu stopped and started thinking.

'That cat would only tell his owner.So,that means Ikuto is Yoru's owner and that he believes in his chara.From that,I can tell that it would become a very bad situation for me if this continues.' Amu's brain quickly thought but couldn't think of anyway to counter the problem.

Her thoughts stopped because of the vibration from her pocket.

'An unknown sender? Who could it be?'

She opened the message and saw the contents.It read,'Yoru recently saw you and caused a problem for you.Since he seems to have been saying that your pink hair turned into brown ones which is possible but I will not question further.Can you meet me in the park so I can give you something? My name is Ikuto.'

She gripped the fence tighter as his words wrapped around her brain.Her fingers already moving to send a reply.Her contents simple to prevent him from asking anymore questions.It read,'It's okay Ikuto.Yoru did create some trouble for me but it was a small matter.There is no need for you to give me anything.And the name is Amu.'

Even if he did desire to meet her,Amu was still on look out for the cat,Yoru.She laid down and heaved a sigh.Staring at the sky did not help her current situation and only helped to soothe her mind.

'I hope nothing else goes wrong," Amu wished strongly.

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