First Day

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"Do I even need to comment on the fact that all of you are giving me cheeky grins." Amu watched them as all of them whispered between themselves.

"She didn't like Ikuto at first yet now she can't wait to see him.How nice."

"Really~ Her emotions can change."

"I can hear you guys from here you know!" Amu screamed frustrated at her charas."Jeez!"

Cheeky grins on their faces,they flew off.Amu sighed at her own charas as she reached her classroom.Considering that she left the house early,the silence of the classroom greeted her together with the light breeze.She stared at the seat behind her,completely unaware of the stare she received.

"And so? Have you found anything new about the guy that can help the search?" a familiar voice asked.

"Even if you say that...I only know that he has blue eyes.I really enjoy looking into his eyes."

He nodded,signifying that he was listening. "Then first lets take a look at our year.Is he older than you?"

Amu thought for a while but her head was blank.She remembered his voice and figure but not his age.Getting the answer from her gesture,Ikuto walked off,looking for Kukai.Approaching someone that was in the Guardians would be a better choice than someone that did not know anything.

"Kukai,is there anyone with blue eyes in this school?" Ikuto asked,avoiding the fact that he had blue eyes as well. "Someone apart from me."

Rejecting his initial thought,Kukai simply shaked his head. "If I'm not wrong,only you should have blue eyes."

Ikuto turned his body,ready to leave only to hear another comment. "That's rare.Helping someone...could it be you developed feelings for her? Iku-to~"

Shaking his head,he left behind the grinning Kukai.Although the thought of being the person Amu looked for,crossed his mind,he expected her to remember the face at least.Even if he wanted to question himself further,his own memories of the past was hazy.It only contained the information about Tadase.Other than the memories with Utau and Tadase,the rest was hazy.He couldn't remember the piece of information that bugged him the most.

" you think as the Guardians you can check the files of students?" Amu asked,her friend that had her nose in a book.

"I think we can but...ask Tadase first.He should have the files."

With a glint of hope shimmering in Amu's eyes,she thanked her and grabbed her arm only to look for the blond.Dropping by the area where the Guardian's gathered,she noticed him  doing the work,silently with a serious look on.Heart thumping softly yet not vigorously.She approached the figure and took a look at the paperwork.

"Excuse me..."

Hearing her voice,he looked up and provided his usual smile. "Hinamori! Is there anything you need? Together with Mashiro?"

"Can I have the look of students?" Rima asked,hoping that it would work.

"For what reason?" 

"I want to know who is my first love and where he is!" Amu shouted,unable to control her voice.

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