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Without any time to think,Amu ran off in a direction she herself did not know.Utau calming herself down first before she tried to chase after Amu.

"Utau! You have to wait here! If anyone saw this it would be a disaster!" Rima shouted before running after Amu.

Rima started thinking of different to avert the direction of attention from the pink haired girl and to the race ahead or someone else.As far as she knew,there would always be someone that wasn't paying attention towards the event and chasing someone would attract too much attention.She clicked her tongue as she stopped running due to her running out of breath and the reasoning she just made.

Amu was still running,her mind not focused on what was happening.She just thought of running.

"Amu! Stop running! You will attract too much attention!" the pink chara quickly caught up.

"If someone sees me I'm doomed!" Amu retorted.

"You will attract more attention this way! Stop running!" Miki warned.

With this,Amu slowed down and she started to catch her breath.It was only for a while before she became worried again.

"Where is my wig?!"

Her charas could only keep silent as they realised that it was left on the floor together with Utau.She could only remember as it slipped past her fingers and landed on the floor.Amu quickly took a glance around started to worry whether anyone saw her.Thankfully,she only attracted the attention of Nagihiko as she noticed him walk towards her.He didn't know whether to smile or keep a stoic face so he simply gave a blank look.

"What happened to your wig?"

"Let's not talk about this when there is so manny spectators.Or maybe passerby's you know."

"Want some help with your current predicament?"

Amu only gave a slight nod before trying to find a place to hide.Nagihiko ran in the direction her class was,only to see Kukai already there.

"What should we do?" Kukai asked,he just arrived after the race and now the both of them stared at the abandoned wig on the floor. "Should we hide it?"

"Won't Aina need it?" Nagihiko asked,trying to make sure his voice did not waver.

"That's true but don't you want her to be honest with her identity?" Kukai's words reflected what everyone thought.

Nagihiko couldn't find any words to counter it and simply kept quiet."And so,what are going to do with this wig?"

"Hide it?"

Nagihiko picked it up and slowly hid it behind his back.His palms slowly becoming sweaty as he continued to walk towards his class.

"What are you planning Kukai!" a voice screamed.

Nagihiko dashed off and Kukai was left to answer the twin tailed.

"I'm standing."

"You were whispering sneakily just now."

Kukai felt as cold sweat started to gather on his palms."Must have been your imagination."

Utau gave him a suspicious look before becoming absorbed in her own thoughts. "I wonder if Amu is okay..."

With this,Kukai made his own escape towards Nagihiko.Not realising that their actions was being watched by a certain blue haired and blonde.

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