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Rima and Amu was setting off in a direction that would lead them to a silent area but unfortunately for them,all the areas was filled with people.Amu's mind was completely missing from the current problem and was only thinking on a way to explain to Rima.She could not explain the way she did with Kukai and Nagihiko.Since they wasn't close to her but with Rima it was a completely different situation.Especially since,Rima was already in a bad mood when looking for an area.They finally settled on an area,all that remained was silence.

"And so? Can you explain Aina?" Rima's tone of voice had a mixture of hurt and happiness.

"Erm...Wait let me find the words," Amu could only rack her mind as she thought of a good way to phrase it. "Basically,this isn't my real look.I look like this-" she removed her wig and glasses,as she observed Rima's reaction.

" don't have brown hair? or mysterious brown eyes?" Rima questioned,her eyes observing Amu's new look.

"Nope.My natural eye colour and hair is golden brown and pink.As unbelievable as it sounds." Amu continued,her words unable to get more simpler than that.

"Why did you hide all of your unique features because you look really pretty," Rima reached her hands to Amu's pink locks,and started to untangle the small locks of hair that escaped her hairdo.

"That is exactly the reason," Amu muttered,her expression quickly changing to a dark one but she responded with  a smile she quickly plastered on."Well,I don't want much attention."

Rima could only respond a few words,conveying that she understood.With that,Amu wore her wig,glasses as she changed her hair style.The trip to the classroom was silent as Rima tried to digest all the information she just received from Amu.Nobody would have expected someone wearing a wig and hiding their hair or eye colour.It was definitely a whole unique year and a question kept appearing in Rima's mind.

'Does the board chairman even approve this type of styles?'

It was a question that she could not ignore yet answer.Amu entered the classroom,her eyes taking notice of the person that rarely attended class.The class split into two as they crowded around the two boys.

"Since both of us are here,are we going to start the sports festival plan?"

"Looks like it," she answered,observing the two class reps as they tried to get the class to listen to them.

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