The Cat

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This time,after school,Amu waited for Rima to be done with her duties.She sat there by the gate,chatting with her charas.Their conversation slowly became a game.Amu stared into space as she tried to find something to do.A furry feeling was in her hand.Amu felt a deja vú feeling dawning on her.She looked down to see a similar cat.It jumped onto her lap.and awaited pats.

"Your name shall be..." Amu stopped lost in thought.

"How about Iku?" Ran chimed.

"That sounds familiar..."

"Ran copied the name of the guy in blue hair," Miki answered.

"What,the cat's fur is blue!" Ran protested.

"Now,now everyone,let Amu decide whether it's acceptable," Suu added with a calm voice.

"Well,I don't see a problem.." Amu finally let out after a while."Alright,its decided!Your name shall be Iku!"

The cat purred in response,seeming to accept the name.Suu took out a toy for cats which she pulled out of nowhere,and started to play with Iku.He started jumping after it,continuously trying to reach it.Out of the blue,Amu's vision of the scenary was replaced by a body.

"Heh~ So you take care of cats."

Amu let out a ear piercing scream.The figure ignored her scream and proceeded to play with Iku.Amu hastily fixed her glasses and stared as he played with the cat.

"Yeah,I do take care of cats..." Amu shrinked away,getting into character.

Ikuto carefully approached the cat,mimicking a cat himself.Although he initially came to ask a question,seeing the cat made him forget all about it.The cat felt like a part of him despite the obvious difference between them.There was silence until one of them stood up.Amu regained her posture,as her legs slowly turned.That only lasted until she heard a voice.

"Lately,someone performed X-Egg purifying,Tsukasa is interested in the person,so if you see the person,enlighten Tsukasa with it," he was more focused on the toy than with Amu.

Amu did a quick nod and slowly made her way back to Rima.The time when she purified an X-Egg slipped her mind as she thought about 'this person'.Amu's mind at the moment only consisted of 'this person' and Tsukiyomi Ikuto.The rest was shut out.She was thinking hard of the reason why Ikuto would purposely approach her as others could do it instead.The next thought that circled her head was 'this person'.Amu's legs continued moving while her mind was focused on her thoughts.She had never thought that people with similar ability to hers would come.Her four charas had explained it to her once but it went out of the other ear and was not absorbed properly.When she finally decided not to dwell too much about it,she finally realised where she was.A enormous building stood before Amu.This building had a dark red roof,grey walls and brown door with an omnious feeling attached to it.She mustered her courage together with her charas and pushed open the door.A threatening creak could be heard as the door opened slowly.All of them slowly went inside,the inside was darker than the night sky.They were too engaged in walking and exploribg this mysterious building that they jumped as a loud thump could be heard.Four different screams was heard.

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