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"'s not any reason fancy.And not about stalkers either...also I really loved my hair and I still love it." Amu continued slowly,taking time to swallow dramatically. "Before I transferred,I was in a different school and no,I wasn't bullied.I had a friend...let's call her friend A.We got along smoothly and all.That was until..."

Ikuto sat on the roof floor,they had changed locations to an area slightly more private.He laid his back on the ground and waited for Amu to continue her reason. "Until?"

"She had a guy she liked.Always spending time to look for him,talk to him and stalk him.And she confessed...The scene happened in the classroom,the air was tense as she confessed with the sun setting.And I cheered her on from behind the door because she begged me too." Amu gripped the green fence,as she thought of the memory. "However,he rejected her with this exact words, 'I was actually interested in Amu more than you.Her pink hair was simply alluring and beautiful.' After that,she opened the door with tearful eyes and looked at me.As if it was my fault that he fell for me.Not to lose face to him,she dashed out of the class and texted me to meet at the school gate.After that,she was like your hair attracts unwanted attention and deserves to be cut." 

Amu faced Ikuto as if waiting for a reply. "And?"

"She decided to go crazy and spread unruly rumors like a sore loser.And I wore a wig.So,I decided to look for you.Because she became truly unbearable." her facial expression changed to disgust together with her charas.

She sighed,signalling the end of the story telling.Ikuto let out a slight chuckle,really not expecting it to be that reason. "It really wasn't anything special.So,you're wearing a wig to prevent the same event from happening?"

Amu shrugged her shoulders,"I guess so since it's annoying when they are all like,you just want attention."

He nodded his head,feeling the similarity,from his own hair color.Now,the both of them stood on the roof in silence,unable to think of another topic and him absorbing the current information.All that mattered now was,how Amu should present herself in school.Appearing as Aina or Amu,since the original reason that she attended the school was completed,she was left with two options.Running towards Ikuto,she jumped on him and asked for a hug.

"Will you go out with me?" Amu asked,feeling slightly bold.

He enclosed his arms tighter around her,and pressed his lips against her hair.She blushed harder at this but replied with a tight squeeze.The charas watched from afar,unable to intervene with the bubbly situation.After a while,they parted ways,ready to walk home.The walk home consisted of Amu's grin as she thought of the way Ikuto felt and smelled.

"He smelled nice...Hehehe," Amu's legs was on the ground but her conscious was practically floating.

"I get it,let's get home and ask for Dia's advice come on,pick up your step!"

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