The Popular Kidz

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Amu looked over to the door,to find,the boy with midnight blue hair.

"IKUTO!" One awfully loud voice yells.

Amu rubbed her nearly deaf ears.'I swear this school can make us deaf!' Amu yelled internally.She heard murmurs from around the girls at her table.Naturally,being typical girls in this class,they badmouthed the girl that nearly made Amu deaf.Amu turned her attention to the girl with big fat brown curls.It didn't suit her that well but Amu couldn't spend the whole hour figuring out a hairstyle that suited her.Instead,of focusing on the girl called Yamabuki Saaya,her eyes was on the boy with mignight blue hair.She made eye contact with him and looked away immediately.She couldn't possibly stare at him for too long.Amu sighed and stared at the window.Her only cure for boredom.After a few periods ended,Amu stretched her feet and stood up.The next period would be music and finally lunch break.Amu was counting the seconds and begged that it would be faster.As Amu was walking out of the door,she felt a light tap on her shoulder.Amu turned to find a girl with light brown curls,her body was small like a doll.She was a perfect mannequin.Amu's eyes glittered but she had to keep her nerdy act.

"Aina right? The music room isn't that way," the girl spoke."I'm Rima.Hope we get along."

Amu looked at her fingers and saw them moving.She was fidgeting.Amu's mouth turned into a smile and walked together with this petite girl.Once they reached the music room,Amu sat at the back furthest away from people.Rima followed and didn't question her as Amu sat down where she wanted to sit.It was like Amu could read her mind.Amu actually just wanted a seat at the back though.Rima examined Amu's face and body.Amu's body was covered by the oversized shirt and if you simply pull it back you can see her hour glass curves.Her eyes was covered by the huge glases she was wearing but you can see her gold orbs slightly.As for the hair,it was hideous but it simply didn't fit.But Rima decided not to investigate any further because she didn't want to break her first friendship.The teacher entered the room and stared at Amu.Everybody was forced to sing on their first music lesson and Amu should have to do the same.Amu's lips became dry and she opened her voice slightly,thinking of a good voice to use.She decided to go with a low voice that she herself didn't know she could muster.The voice was low,so she went for a high pitched song.After she sang a few sentences,the teacher cut her short.

"Aina,is this the best you can do?" the voice was smeared with pride and was trying to mock Amu.


"Ohohohoho...I,Yamabuki Saaya can do better than you!"

Amu rerurned to her seat and allowed Saaya to steal the show.That way,the lesson would end faster.Well,her singing wasn't bad,it was just off-key.After a few rounds of her off-key singing,the teacher allowed us to play our own instruments.Amu picked up a violin lovingly.She had always wanted to try playing one.Rima was with the piano.They tried to play together but the violin simply won't match.Sure,the violin has a beautiful melody which could make your eyes water,at the same time it has to be played correctly.Amu sighed and placed the violin down.She went and took a guitar.An instrument she has at least played before.This time,it went on smoothly.The piano keys,the strumming of the guitar,it sounded perfect and covered up each others mistakes.Finally,class ended and Rima dragged her off to have lunch.The canteen was already filled with people.It would take forever to find a table.However,the people in the canteen,was not even ordering food.They were simply staring at the group of people.Amu gasped.It was the popular people.

"The girl with blond twintails is Hoshina Utau,the boy with long flowing purple hair is Fujisaki Nagihiko,the boy with blond hair is Hotori Tadase and finally," Rima told Amu."The boy with brown hair is-"

"Kukai.Right?" Amu said unconsciously.

Rima nodded.Amu locked eyes with Utau and stared.She looked awfully familiar.

"Amu?!(she really did say 'Amu') Is that you?" Utau yelled from afar.

Rima was confused.It was written all over her face.Amu was shaking.Utau walked over to Amu and Amu grabbed Utau before running away with Rima.

"Utau,over her don't call me Amu."

"Is it really you Amu?" Utau's eyes was filled with tears as if she found her long lost boyfriend.

"Yes I am.Do I look like a hologram to you?" Amu replied.

"So,what should I call you?" Utau shrugged.

"Aina.The name is Aina."

Rima looked back and forth like a lost child.Amu and Utau giggled.
"We are childhood friends," they said at the exact same time.

Rima functioned those words in her brain.Utau looked at Amu and scanned her from top to bottom.She gave the look of 'seriously?'.Amu nodded.

"Wait for me after school,Amu," Utau whispered before going back.

Amu's head spinned,thinking of all the people she could know in this school or maybe it's just because the next period is her hated one.Amu walked Rima back to class before disappearing.

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