~Chapter Thirty Four~

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Katie's P.O.V

The darkness enveloped around the surroundings, the only source of light being from the single torch that was lay on the floor of the tent. Silence engulfed the pair of us, neither of us saying a word, just sat here holding one another in each other's arms. After a short while, I finally broke from the hug and darted my eyes to his. Harry's manner was rather hesitant, like he suddenly went all vulnerable and timid. It's as though not only me, but he appears to be surprised and shocked at his own actions also - being that he didn't expect to get so wound up over Jake. The hell was he doing out here, alone, in the middle of a random empty camping place anyway?

Moments passed and he soon took his eyes off of me, diverting them downwards to the ground before turning his back to me. I shifted my body slightly, so that I was now sat with my legs crossed over each other.

"What even was that, Harry?" I blurted out quietly, eventually breaking the deadly silence between us. He shrugged his broad shoulders, still staring downwards at the floor; his curly locks draping forwards over his face. "Well?" I prompted, gently placing my hand on his shoulder. He flinched at my delicate touch, but soon relaxed under it.

"I... I don't know. Seeing that twat, whatever his name was... touching you, holding you, his lips touching yours... just-just made me jealous, alright?" Harry admitted, his voice so low and quiet, like he didn't want me to hear what he was saying. "It made me jealous because it wasn't me who was doing that to you." He added, cautiously lifting his head back up. He glanced over his shoulder to look back at me, whilst I moved my hand off his shoulder. My teeth sunk into my lower lip faintly, listening carefully to what he was saying.

"You don't get it." He said, shaking his head slowly as he puffed out a sardonic, deep chuckle.

I remained quiet, fumbling with my hands as they rested in my lap. I shook my head as a 'no', whilst the everlasting feeling I have for Harry keeps growing more and more with every moment, every word and every day. It's such a foreign feeling that I can't quite describe or put into words, something I've never felt before up until lately.

"Didn't think you would." he mumbled. "Where do I even start to explain?" He asked himself, narrowing his eyebrows together while he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"The beginning is usually the best place to start, silly." I stated, my tone being sarcastic and jokeful.

"Funny." He replied, rolling his eyes playfully.

"I'm a comedian, I know. No need to remind me." I say with a slight giggle, looking straight at him.

"Well, anyway, I don't know. It's taken me all these years to realise something, something so surprising, yet so obvious at the same time." He starts, beginning to divert his gaze away from me once again, looking like he was about to go into deep thought and focus. "Do you remember that Sam Lowe's party? The party where we properly spoke for the first time? Back in highschool?" He questions, awaiting for an answer.

"Of course," I nodded, but confused to why he's suddenly brought that up. "When I didn't quite understand why people drank alcohol."

"You still don't drink vodka right," he smirked, laughing at the memory. "Well, that's where it all started."

I gave him a puzzled look, genuinely confused as to where this was going. "Where what started?" I queried. "Shush, let me finish." He interrupted, fully turning his body back around to face me. He placed his index finger against my lips, indicating for me to remain quiet. I nodded my head, letting him to continue.

"From that moment, I figured you were... different. Yeah. In a good way, of course." He paused, a smile lingering on his features. "You're nothing like anyone else that I've met before, you're special; which I've already told you that about a million and one times. For all the times I've been down in the dumps, all times I've been at my happiest, all the times I've needed someone most... it's always been you there. Just you. Nobody else." He says softly and his bright green eyes not once removes themselves from mine.

"There's so many things that just make you so special, or what I find special about you anyway. Like how your eyes light up when you're happy or how you get all shy and cute-like when you're nervous. Or how you haven't left me when I piss you off most... Which I've been doing quite often over these last few weeks. Your cheesy jokes, your impeccable smile, your outstanding personality are just a few more of the many things I adore about you." He continues, his teeth tugging on his lip slightly.

Hearing his words only make my cheeks fluster to a bright shade of red. "Harry, I-" I go to speak, but Harry's index finger quickly pushes itself against my lip once again. "I said, let me finish." He remarks and I simply nod.

"Which is why I don't quite understand why I've only just realised this. This feeling has been here from day one, ever since I met - it's just took me all these years to finally realise it. Forget Addi, forget Lindsey, forget Sarah... because deep down, it's always been you, Kat." He divulges, his hand now resting on top of mine. My mouth gapes open ever so slightly, not quite sure of what he entirely means.

"You still don't get it, do ya?" He asks, causing me to shake my head. A long, heavy sigh falls from his lips before he speaks once again. "It doesn't matter, forget I said anything. I'm a fool to think you feel how I do." His tone sounded disheartened and he pushed back his hair, rapidly turning his stare away from me.

"No, no. Go on, tell me." I urge him, placing my hand on his cheek to tilt his face to look towards me. He falls to silence for many moments and just stares directly at me, prior to taking a deep breath. "You can't just say this then not say what you want to say. That's so annoyi-"

"I am in love with you, god-damnit!" He exclaims, his voice suddenly changing from timid and quiet to loud and deep. "No matter how hard I try, I just can't shake this feeling away. I can't get rid of it and it's been driving me insane lately, I just can't believe it's took me this long to realise what the feeling was. So there, I said it. I love you, Katherine. I fucking love you."

And in that moment, I didn't know what to do or think. My head started spinning and my heart started racing, but that's when it hit me - the growing strange feeling I felt was nothing but love; I had fallen in love with the person I'd never expect to fall for.

He cleared his throat and awkwardly looked away again, his gaze on the floor as he covered his face with his hand. I traced my tongue over my lips, before biting down on the lower one.

"Harry..." I started, causing his eyes to peer at me through the gap between his fingers, but remained quiet as he waited for me to speak.

"I love you."


BUT HOWEVER... Did Harry really just drop the L bomb and both of them admit their obvious feelings after 35 chapters I think yes *squeals to the heavens*

I mean it's about time right??

OK thanks for reading and voting and all that good shit. We appreciate it so much and love you lots, pal!

Mwah, mwah.

- Double K
x x x

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