~Chapter Twenty-Six~

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Katie's P.O.V

It was the first time I've seen Harry since he got arrested. Boy he looked pissed. I was standing off to the side of the room, watching what was going to go down.

Chief sat in front of Harry, his hands on the table. Harry sat tall and had his hands together. The look on his face was something else, that's for sure. The little cocky bastard, kidding but he did look cocky.

"Where were you on the day before the blood, body and weapons were found in your cop car?" Chief starts questioning.

Harry looks him dead in the eyes and replies cockily, "I was at my house, laying on my couch. I was a mess."

"When did you come back to work? Why did you miss work for two straight days?" Chief continues, having Hanna write it all down.

"I came back to work on the day the evidence was found, earned some nasty glares and heard a few rude names coming from your force. I missed work for two days because I learned my ex-girlfriend had been cheating on me since the day we got together," Harry replies, looking right at Sarah when he mentions the cheating part.

She rolls her eyes at him and gives him the middle finger. I send a glare toward Sarah and realised the whole force was in here. What the fuck? Why is everyone even in here?

Chief nods his head and I turn to focus back onto him. "Why did you walk out of the building so quick and fly to America within 3 hours?" Chief asks, putting his chin in his hands.

Harry cracks his neck and runs a hand through his hair. "I walked out because the looks I was getting were making me feel like shit again. Do you even know how it feels to be called shit you didn't even do? It's funny how rumors get spread so quick around this damned place. I flew to America to get away, I needed space and time. So I got it," Harry's voice cracks at the first part, but he covers it up quickly with a cough.

Chief nods and taps his chin, pulling out the letter Harry had wrote for me to see.

"How did you get that?" I ask him and stand up straighter. I narrow my eyes slightly when I see a smirk on Sarah's face. "You bitch," I growl and look right at her.

She widens her eyes and looks at me, innocently. "Don't look at me, I didn't do anything! I'm a victim of-of him!" She says and starts crying.

She's such a brat.

Harry's eyes widen as Chief shoves the note in his face. I glance over Chief's shoulder and see there's blood on it.

"What the hell is that?" Harry asks, pointing to the blood.

"It's your blood Styles," Chief states and puts the paper on the table. "It was found on the paper with a bloody piece of glass next to it," Chief adds on.

Harry's face goes blank and I could tell he was pissed, "Calm down..." I mouth to him, biting my lip.

"This is fucking bullshit! How could MY blood get on a piece of paper after I fucking left my house?! Someone's setting me up and it's not funny anymore," Harry snaps. His veins were popping out of his neck and damn, did it look kind of hot. Wait what?

I shake the thought from my head and go over to the table, grabbing the paper and looking at it. "This was not on there whenever I found it and there was no glass piece beside it. There wasn't even any glass broken in his house. This is a sick joke," I declare and throw the paper down onto the table.

I look over toward Wesley and see him, looking at Drew's arm. I glance over at Drew and see that his wrist was wrapped. I go over to Drew and grab his wrist, holding it up. "What did you do?" I ask him and look between everyone.

Drew doesn't speak, only moves his eyes toward Wesley. Wesley also had his wrist wrapped. Wes' lips had a small smirk on them, like he knew what was going on.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I ask and throw Drew's wrist down to his side. I walk over to Wesley and grab his wrists, only causing him to grab my arm harshly. "Ouch!" I whimper and he releases me from his grip. The smirk never once left his face.

Harry looks over at us and narrows his eyes at Wesley.

"What? You wanna kill me too? Since I just hurt your partner?" Wes growls and steps forward, pushing past me roughly. I stumble and stand off to the side. Harry looked like he was gonna do something, but he didn't.

He simply stood up and walked to the wall, placing his hands on it. He rests his head on the wall and speaks something like a pray.

I walk over to him and bring my hand to his shoulder. He tenses up under my touch and turns his head to look at me. The look on his face just proved his innocence. He had so much confusion in his eyes and it was obvious he didn't know what was going on.

In all honesty, I don't think any of us have a clue what it going on.

Chief stands up and rests his hands on the table, leaning forward. "Don't you have cameras in your house?" He asks Harry. Harry turns and nods his head.

"Let's look at the recording," Chief suggests. Harry nods again and they start playing the clip.

It seemed like someone covered the camera lens, broke something and left.

"Styles... I don't think you're even in this," Chief states and watches it again. Something didn't add up right and it was starting to become obvious between all of us. Wesley gripping my arm harsh, Drew and him having their wrists wrapped, Sarah's crying, and Wesley's smirk

As we all stood there, questions roamed through my mind...

But who could it have been? Who else has access to his house beside Sarah and I?

But that's not even the real question...

If Harry didn't do anything... Then who did it?


Dun, dun, duuunnnn.

Here's an update! I hope you're happy that it's quite clear Harry didn't do anything...

Who could have done it then? Who is doing it? Only we know and we wanna hear your guesses!

Comment below with your guesses and hey, like this chapter? Go ahead and vote for it!

Thank you for everything!

~Double K

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