~Chapter Twenty-Three~

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Katie's P.O.V

The next morning, a beam of sunlight directly landed on my face as it crept through the small gap of the hotel room curtain. My eyes slowly flutter open before I gently sat myself up, rubbing my forehead from the throbbing headache I seemed to be having. I honestly don't even remember much from last night, all I know is that this hangover definitely won't be a light one. My mouth gapes open, letting out a quiet yawn as my arms stretched out whilst doing so; that's when I hit something beside me. My tired eyes divert downwards, only to reveal a sleeping body beside me. I move the bed duvet slightly and there was Harry soundly sleeping.

What the fuck?

Without even thinking, my eyes widen while I let out a small squeal and jumped as quick as I could out of the bed. I looked down at myself, seeing that I was wearing nothing except his shirt. I glanced around the room, noticing a small pile of clothing sprawled across the floor. I shut my eyes and cover my face with my hands, trying to think back of what happened last night. This is why I don't drink alcohol much anymore, since I do stupid shit that I never remember.

A low and deep groan snapped me out of my current thoughts, I remove my hands from my hands as I turned my attention back towards the bed. There was Harry waking up, rubbing his sleepy eyes before he ruffled his messy, curly locks. He then looks over at me, surprise spreading across his face as he trails his eyes up and down my body.

"Is that my shirt?" He speaks, sounding rather confused and like he was still half asleep.

I let out a small sigh, nodding my head in response. "Don't ask me why I'm wearing it, because I simply don't know why myself."

He mimics the sigh, biting his lip gently. "Kat, can I just. Can I just apologise for last night? I don't know what came over me and-" he begins, but I'm quick to cut him off.

"Apologise for what last night?" I asked bluntly. "Because I'm still trying to figure out what the hell happened," I added as I glanced around the room again, trying to piece everything together.

"You don't remember?" He paused, raising his brows. "I mean, I think I remember... very vaguely. Or I could just have been dreaming, I don't even know, I was so drunk."

"Remember what, Harold?" I replied, narrowing my eyes.

"I think... I think we may have like... y'know..."

"Spit it out already, cut to the chase."


Oh. My expression goes blank, not being exactly sure how to respond or react to that. I sit on the edge of the bed, placing my head in my hands as they rested on my knees. I remained quiet for a few moments, trying my hardest to recall everything from last night.

I showed up out of the blue... he ranted... we argued... then the booze got involved... argued again... and oh shit, that's when he kissed me and that's how it started.

"Katie... Kate... Hellooooo...? Katherine! Say something, please?" He urges, trying to get my attention.

"I-... we did, didn't we?" I mumble, my cheeks flustering to a hint of red. "I said a smart ass comment, you replied and then kissed me. I kissed back, then it went from there. Holy fucking shit." I blurt, the memory slowly coming back to me the longer and harder I thought about it all.

"We were so drunk, neither of us were thinking. I guess... I guess I was so annoyed and just wanted to take my anger out on something. Instead of punching something, I suppose I used the more lustful option. S-sorry," Harry tries justifying himself, but I turn around on the bed so that I was no longer on the edge. I bring my index finger to my lips, indicating for him to shush.

"It's both of us to blame, alcohol being the bigger blame. Like you said, neither of us were thinking straight." I tell him, fumbling with my hands.

"Let's just pretend it never happened and forget it, yeah?" He suggests, his back leant against the headboard with his hands behind his head as he looks at me.

I nod slowly in response, "Yeah, good idea."

But what from I'm starting to remember, I believe I actually enjoyed it and now I have remembered most of it, I certainly don't want to forget it; I had sex with my best friend, whilst drunk and pissed off... oops. Should I regret doing so? Probably. But do I regret doing so? Not at all.


Just a little filler chapter! We still have to discuss what happens next!

I hope you're enjoying this story still and not bored of it or us yet!

Thank you for everything like normal!

~Double K

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