To Not Be Believed

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I muttered in the front seat of Jack's black Camaro.

"What?" asked Jack.

"You completely fooled my mother back there."

"I wasn't fooling anyone, I meant every word I said."

My head snapped to look at him, eyes narrowing. "What high schooler says that though?"

"A man."

"You're eighteen, Jack!"

"I'm actually seventeen."

I'm a year older than him? Okay, kind of didn't expect that... "You look like you're twenty though..."

"It's the clothes, I work out, and I have a career."

"I can't believe this is happening." I said after a pause. "This isn't happening."

I stared at the window and watched the trees escape by my eyes. I could only imagine the rumors that were about to circulate when I get out of Jack's freaking Camaro.

I pursed my lips, "No matter what you do, I'm not going to fall for you."

"I'm guessing before break is all it's going to take."

I slowly turned my head to him, "Do you really think that my feelings are that fickle?"

Jack's hand tightened on the wheel angrily but then he loosened his grip, "No matter how long it will take, I'll slowly change your views on me." Without taking his eyes off the road, he reached over with one hand and reached for my hand. I kept it closed like a rock so he just patted it then brought it back to the wheel.

When we got to the school I shrunk in the seat, hopefully no one could see me but then again his windows were tinted. Jack parked where all of his 'friends' were so I'd be exposed. He looked at me when I refused to get out, "What?"

"I'm not getting out here! I don't want to be seen with you." I snapped.

Jack got back into the car, started the engine, and backed up. His friends were looking at it weird. Jack parked further away from everyone and parked.

"This better?"

I'm to shocked to say anything... he really just went out of his way to please me.

"Uhm... yeah..." I said, my hand on the handle.

"Stay there." He said, got out of his car, went to my side and opened the door. "Come on princess," he joked.

I blushed and got out of the car. I shouldered my bag uneasily then walked across the lot to the front doors of the school.

"I don't want to hide you," Jack eventually said. "I'm not embarrassed of you, just so you know."

"Not the point." I muttered. "I just don't want to be seen with you.... can you not follow me?"

Jack sighed, "Alright, this one time, but it's not going to be like this."


"See you, darling."

"Stop calling me that..." I started to say but he was already gone. I sighed and walked into the double doors of the building.

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