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I began to panic again but he shushed me before I could. He leaned in closely, a whole other reason to panic surfaced abruptly. But instead of doing what I thought he was gonna do he whispered into my ear.

"Stay quiet, don't want them finding us and I know how to get us back. Don't worry."

Hearing that relieved me for the most part.

He leaned back, took my hand and intertwined our fingers, and started to lead me through the forest. Did he have to intertwine our fingers? Could he feel my heartbeat? Could he feel the heat rising inside of me? His presence completely blurred out the rest.

He suddenly stopped.

Were we lost?

Oh shit, please don't say we're lost.

I gave him a panicked, wide eyed stare, my lips sealed tight with fear.

Kale turned to me slowly, I could hear his breathing deepen. My brows knitted with confusion but suddenly he faced me, his hands grabbing my shoulder. The mood around us took a new, heated, turn.

His fingers dug into my shoulders but not to where it was painful, then one slowly trailed up to cup my cheek. His touch created heat and electricity to run through my core and deep down south. My breathing deepened as we back-walked until I was pressed against the trunk of a tree.

I know this is crazy. I know I shouldn't do this... and I know this is wrong and crazy and abrupt and stupid but.... I wasn't stopping him.

My heart was racing, heat flowed from head to toe, and brought pleasure through every inch of my body. It hummed as Kale's hand went from my cheek to grabbing the back of my hair and tugging it down so my head lifted to his. My heart pounded at that action and more pleasure flooded south. His other hand was running down my sides before coming back up to trail my jawline.

My knees felt weak.

I clenched my inner thighs.

My breaths hitched.

Hearing Kale's breath turned me on even more.

Kale bent over, the first touch of his lips on my neck sent signals of ecstasy running through my entire body. His soft lips scaled my sensitive neck, jawline, and then the edges of my lip teasingly. My hands shakily grabbed at his waist and then moved on its own to touch his stomach... his rock hard abs made me want to melt. 

A moan left my lips.

I blushed but he continued teasing me. He pressed his body against mine; his heat enveloping me. My face reddened at the feel of his... pressed against me. One hand suddenly trailed down my side again and reached across to squeeze my ass, then below to lift my thigh up to around his waist. Harder he pressed against me, lifting me off the ground slightly, my foot that was still on the ground stretched up until I was on my toes. His hand moved up again, his thumb grazed the curve of my breast; his other fist tightened at the base of my neck, pulling at my hair a little tighter. There was pain... but it was a good kind of pain. His hand moved back up to my face, held my chin, then moved slightly down, wrapped his fingers around my neck, choking me in a sexual way... it didn't hurt, it was a pleasurable pain. 

His lips returned to the edges of my lips. I couldn't move my head to turn, no he had complete control. But finally...



"Choca! Kale! Where are you guys at!"

Kale's lips froze a feathers breath away.  He pulled back, his head falling towards my shoulder. He let out an aggravated sigh before completely pulling back. He grabbed my leg that was hitched up and gently released it back to where I was standing. His fingers unwound from my hair and he moved back. Kale ran his fingers through his dark hair, and breathed in and out deeply.

While I slid down the trunk of the tree, my knees weak. Kale saw me and pulled me up, grabbed my hand, and we walked in silence to the beams of light that was searching for us. My legs felt like jello though so I kept stumbling. I didn't even know how to act or what to think.

At the last minute he let go of my hand as we met the searching party.

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