10 Questions

185 16 8

"I can't believe this."

I scowled at Jack, who sat in front of me smiling like a child. His desk had been turned to mine so we faced face to face. Of course all the girls in the class hated me now even more and I knew that something about me would spread throughout the student body before school ends.

"Me either, it's great isn't it!" exclaimed Jack.

I can't believe I thought he was the most sexiest thing before... like he was an angel because he knew what anime was. If I hadn't found out that he was such a man whore I possibly could have a crush on him...

Kale suddenly appeared in my mind and then the forest with Kale... why do I still feel the ghost of his lips, fingers, and even when he pressed against me...

Jack suddenly waved his hand in front of me. I snapped out of my lustful haze, "huh?"

Jack gave me a look, "I've been calling your name. What's wrong? Thinking about how Kale kissed you?"

I blushed madly, "We didn't even kiss!"

Jack laughed, "Ohhh, so he did do something right?"

"I... no... man shut up and let's focus on this project. I want to get it done fast so I don't have to deal with you till Christmas break."

"Ouch." He feigned, putting a hand to his heart.

I ignored him and read the prelim questions.

1. Name

2. Age

3. Height

4. Birthday

5. Weight 

What the hell? Why do we need to know that?

6. Hobbies (Name 3)

7. Relationships within past four years

Okay, this is uncalled for.

8. Family Status

9. Ethnicity

10. Personality traits (Name 5)

"This is stupid." I said aloud, I looked up at Jack but he was already writing.

"Done." He said proudly then handed me his sheet of paper. His hand writing was the poorest I've ever seen nonetheless, I read over his answers for me and immediately scowled.

1. Chocolate Connors.

I glared at him before I continued reading, he smiled innocently.

2. 14

"Are you freaking serious, Jack? I'm not fourteen, I'm eighteen, Gosh!"

Jack started to laugh.

3. 4'1

"I'm five foot three, ass." I muttered.

4. IDK

5. 140.

I blushed at that, "I'm 125! You're not even funny asshole!" Okay, I'm 130 but still. 

Everyone turned to our table in shock, Jack nearly spilled out his seat he was laughing so hard. I glared at him, then at the teacher. "Can I have a new partner?"

"No. Also, keep your voices down. Everyone get back to work." Mrs. Janes snapped.

"I will slaughter you." I threatened Jack.

6. Being weird. Watching anime. Secretly screwing Kale.

My grip on the paper tightened.

7. 0.

Steam was coming out my ears.

8. -

9. Black

10. weird x4 and virgin

I balled up his paper and glared at him. "That wasn't funny."

He had somewhat calmed down but his cheeks were flushed with laughter, "Come on, it was a little bit."

"Can you take this more seriously?"

"I did."

"Well, you're an even bigger ass."

Jack shrugged, "You can put that down for my personality trait."

"Oh, I will, freaking asshole."

"You have a nice ass," he winked.

"W-wha-" I started to stutter, my face turning into a tomato.

"Oh, so any compliment will get you worked up. Oh I will have fun with you." Jack rested his chin in his hand, brown-blue eyes mischievous.

"No!" I snapped, "And stop it you're making me uncomfortable and if you want to play this game just wait till you read my analysis for you."

I handed Jack the paper when I was done and watched his face chuckle and then go dark. Serves you right asshole.

1. King Fuckboy

2. Looks 17 or 18 but acts like a 6 year old girl who loves to collect dolls

3. giraffe

4. Probably in August, acts like a Leo

5. 140.

I smirked at that one.

6. Drinking alcohol, gathering a cesspool of STD's, and toying with girls emotions.

7. (infinity sign)

8. Probably all arrogant like you.

9. White.

10. Fuckboy. Slut. Man whore. Asshole. Self-centered.

I smiled at him innocently as he finished reading and stared at me.

"First of all, I'm clean. Second of all I'm 195 of pure muscle. Third of all, don't pretend like you know me."

"I think we have an understanding." I said in a patronizing tone.

Jack narrowed his eyes, "I don't think I like you anymore."

I smiled sweetly, "I don't really care."

"I know you and Alison aren't related but she's way nicer than you. You're mean, Chocolate."

"Again, I don't care."

Jack smiled suddenly, it was the most unnerving smile I've ever seen in my life. 

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