OMG It's Hikaru and Kaoru!

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It was Naruto alright.

Morgan just walked right through the door with a book bag on his back. He wore jeans and a white shirt. His blond hair spiky and his blue eyes bright. Ria jumped up out of the couch and ran to him, engulfing him in a huge hug and kissing his lips passionately.

I looked away. Jeez.

Alison saw the look on my face. "They haven't seen each other in a month. Ria was in Mexico."

"Right." Still.

They finally unlatched and Naruto came to greet the group. When his eyes landed on me he made an 'O' with his mouth. "Hey, Chocolate! You look different."

"Choca!" I snapped.

I swear these people should know that it was my pet peave to be called chocolate. Everyone laughed, except for Kale. He was too 'cool' to laugh, but he did crack a smile.

"Alright, since everyone is here-"

"Oh, wait up, the twins are with me." Morgan said suddenly, taking off his bag and placing it next to the couch.

My brows knitted. Twins?

We heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Kale groaned suddenly, "Damn it."

I could tell somebody did not like the twins. Just then two boys came through and arrows shot through my heart. I swear I was two seconds from having a nosebleed.




Ouran Host Clubs Kaoru and Hikaru just walked right into the flipping living room!

Ok, ok. It wasn't exactly them but my eyes still were turning into hearts. The twins came in with bags on their backs as well. They both had tan skin, light brown eyes, and messy light brown hair. Both were tall and slender and identical and totally freaking human versions of the twins! Ah!

I closed my mouth before I drooled.

There was something that caught me off guard though.... it was the baby duck in one of the twins hands.

"Kale." They both exclaimed at the same time; smiles stretching on their cute faces. When they saw Kale their expressions became highly amused. "Hey buddy, glad to see us?" They said at the same time, a mischievous glint in their eyes.

Kale rolled his eyes, "Can't believe you brought the twin creeps here." He muttered under his breath.

Alison stood up and smiled at them, which they returned. She suddenly turned to me, grabbed my wrist and pulled me up to meet the sexy twins.

"Ryan, Jude, this is Choca, my new sissy." Alison smiled.

Ryan and Jude turned their brown eyes to me, actually they were hazel with spritz of green.


Alison turned to me, "They tend to speak at the same time."

 The one with the duck (Ryan) suddenly said, "This is Tikat."


"Enough already," Beth suddenly said, "Let's go, jeez, this is turning into a party. Way to many people here."

I actually agreed with her for once.

Ryan and Jude gave her a side look, then rolled their eyes. Their synchronizing was incredible I give them that.

We all started to pile out the door and headed towards the water park that was actually right next to the beach.

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