The Talk

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Jack walked me home afterwards.

I told him not to but he didn't listen and he held the umbrella over my head the entire time. I wasn't going to be fooled by his act, I was already burned the last time and I wouldn't let it happen again.

When we got to my door, I was about to bolt in but he grabbed my arm.

"Wait... jeez...."

I reluctantly turned around, "What is it?"

"Tomorrow after school do you want to go out."

I gave him a curt laugh, "No."

"Pretty please?" He wagged his brows. Admittedly it was adorable but I wouldn't fall into his trap.


Jack sighed, "don't make me go to dramatic measures."

I crossed my arms, "Which is?"

Jack winked one eye, "Secret, I'll see you tomorrow, Chocolate."

"Ugh!" I snapped, then slammed the door behind me. I was muttering to myself when I looked up mom was standing in front of me, her dark brow arched.

"Hi..." I said awkwardly.

"Hello, daughter of mine." She looked me up and down. "Forget your umbrella?"


"Hurry up and dry yourself, your dripping all over the floor."

"Okay." I took off my shoes and started to hurry up the stairs.

"We're going to talk." She called just as I reached the top.

I closed my eyes, damn it.


Mom and I sat in my room.

I was all dried up, sitting crossed leg on my bed, and she beside me.

"So..." she motioned.

"So... what?" I looked away.

"Who was that?" She asked, smiling just the tiniest.

I rolled my eyes, "No one, mom."

"Is that who you got all dressed up for?"

I looked at her in horror and embarrassment. "What? No, God, mom! He's no one."

"He's very handsome." She chuckled.

I groaned louder, "He's just some kid that 'likes' me." I quoted.

"Why the quotes?"

"Because he's really in love with Alison and is trying to use me to forget her."

Mom paused, her brow arching. "Huh?"

"Long story."

"Okay? I have time."

"Mom, really? You really want to do this?"

"Yes, sweetie you used to tell me everything."

"I didn't have much to tell."

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