Alison's Plot

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Alison sat in front of the twins.

They met at a well-known restaurant called The Grill. She eyed Tikat that was in Ryan's shirt pocket but then brought her eyes up to them.

"We have a problem." She said, crossing her arms.

"Choca?" They said at the same time.

Alison nodded, "She's caught Kale and Jack's attention."

The twins narrowed their eyes, "Jack is just playing with her."

"But he may develope actual interest in her."

The twins looked at each other, "I don't know...."

"Trust me." Alison pressed, "Look what happened to Hayley, your sister."

The twins eye's hardened, a vital point struck. The root of all their hate towards Kale, why they tried to make his life hell. Choca didn't know the real truth, only the ones Alison told her.

"Surely you remember how Kale seduced Hayley, took her virginity, only to flaunt it to my face. It broke her heart it sent her-"

"We know what happened." Jude said angrily.

Ryan nodded, his jaw tight.

"Now, he's cozying up to Choca as an act of revenge for what happened. And Jack? Right now he's fucking every female on campus but now him and her are partners..." Alison shook her head, "It'll be bad for Choca, we don't want another incident."

"So what do you propose?"

Alison paused before saying, "I think our option is to drive her away."


"Last time we let Hayley stay and it drove her deeper into depression. Choca has to go far, far away. It's the only way to save her."

The twins gave each other an uneasy look.

Alison's eyes jumped between the two. "Trust me, it's the only way."

Ryan spoke up, "How do you expect us to do that? We're all still in high school and you want us to make her leave? What about her mom?"

"I'm still thinking about that part." Alison bit her bottom lip, "But the best way to make someone leave is to make them want to leave. To prevent this evil, I think we have to do a greater evil for her good. Don't worry, I got this." 

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