~Chapter Six~

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Harry's P.O.V.

20:33 (8:33) pm.

I sat back in the black office chair, slouching down slightly whilst I had my fingers resting on my stomach. My right leg crossed over my left and I just sat there, quietly. We were researching into the case more, since Katie was too stubborn to just go out and do the bust, she just had to gather excessive amount of evidence first. As I sat there, my emerald eyes didn't remove themselves from the petite girl, who looked so concentrated over the file. I swear, she must have re-read over the case millions of times over the last few hours. That's one of things that is great about her; she's driven and determined. Never one to not fight for what she believes in or one to back down easily. It takes a lot to break her, I don't think she's ever been broken apart - although a smile can be deceiving. However, she's a little fighter; that I know for sure. Though at times, the stubborn girl can be an absolute pain in the ass and can wind me up so much, but there's nobody else I have a better time working with. She's more than just my work partner, she's a diamond in the rough.

I didn't realise how long I was actually staring at her until she caught my gaze, causing a confused look to appear on her face.

"What are you looking at? Quit being lazy and look through this shit," she stated bluntly, gesturing towards all the files laid out on the desk.

"Now, now, Katherine. We've looked at them so many times, chill," my voice cocky. A smirk found it's way to my lips after calling her by her full name, this is something I would do to annoy her and 9 times out of 10, it works every time.

She shot me a playful glare before rolling her eyes at me calling her Katherine. But that is her name after all, so I mean. She shrugged her shoulders and continued looking for what feels like the millionth time.

"You really love this job, don't you?" I blurted out, admiring her dedication.

"What makes you think that?" She replied, looking back at me.

"Just a hunch," I said. "Can tell just by the way your eyes brighten when you think you've found out something," I added, my tone was serious and a smile replaced the smirk on my facial features.

"Shut up, Styles." She responded, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. For some strange reason, she's always hated compliments or any fuss about her.

I chuckled and removed my hands from my stomach, then changed my posture so that I was now leant closer to the desk to analyse the papers.

"Think we've got enough to go on, come on. Questioning time." I stood up and straightened out my uniform.

Katie followed suit, standing up and accompanied me as we wandered out of the office and station. We got into our cop car, buckling up and such before I started up the ignition. She glanced at me, arching a brow up.

"Wait, where are we going exactly?" she spoke.

"That club, gotta speak to the owner. If that guy we're thinking it is, is a regular in Club Lenzo, then surely he can give us some more answers." I informed her and kept my eyes straight on the road, tapping my long fingers gently against the wheel.

"Club Lenzo? Fuck, man... the guy must be loaded. I mean, that club is so expensive. A simple cherry vodka costs like £8." She said, surprise in her voice.

I laughed and nodded in response, turning on the radio to a low volume. We both went quiet for awhile, but shared a comfortable silence between us. Some song was playing in the background faintly and I proceeded to drive. Can't believe we've most likely caught the killer already, yet fucking Wesley couldn't do it? Ha, he's such a tool, I swear. Sure, he's cracked so many high-profiled cases from murder to drugs... but that doesn't change the fact that he's the biggest dickhead I know. I genuinely feel sorry for Sarah having him as a partner, she could work so much better without him. Ah, Sarah. Sometimes I even wish she was my partner, I'm pretty certain her and I would have lots of fun together if we worked with one another. Alone in that office, working hard... yeah.

Police 101 ~H.S. AU~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora