Chapter 35 - Author's Note

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I want to thank you all personally for reading my story. I've been writing for many years, and I've always kept the stories to myself, or only shared them with one or two very close friends.

Thank you all for your positive comments and for coming back again and again to read my new chapters. It is validation for me that I can write, and I'm good at it. I've always been good at taking known characters and building stories with them featuring characters of my own. Now I get to share those with readers from all over the world.

The next book, "How Bright and Shiny is the New Year" will cover the next year in Taryn and Steve's life together. Perhaps the circumstances in "Civil War" will come into play, perhaps not. We'll just have to see how they go about doing the story.

Thank you again to all my readers and followers and I hope you all enjoy the next chapters in Taryn's life with SHIELD and Captain America.


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