Chapter 13 - Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

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Steve and Taryn got about a mile down the road when the chopper found them. This time, there were no woods to hide in. This time they were out in the open with nowhere to hide. The chopper came over the hill and buzzed them, gunfire blazing. But they deliberately missed. They were trying to herd them somewhere. Steve tried to maneuver the bike around the gunfire. The chopper came up behind them and pushed them down the road where two large SUV's sat waiting. Steve went to tear the bike from the road but suddenly the back tire was blown. Somewhere a sniper had shot it out from underneath them and they went skidding to the asphalt.

Taryn rolled to her feet and grabbed her gun and shot at the SUVs. Steve stood with his back to hers and removed his guns and pointed them at the chopper that landed on the road behind them. Her heart was pounding and she heard the sniper's gunshot. Suddenly Steve went down and she shrieked. He had been shot in the leg. "Oh my god!" She dropped down next to him and grabbed her utility belt and wrapped it around his thigh like a tourniquet.

He held his leg as she wrapped it to staunch the bleeding. He knew though that it wouldn't kill him. This was done to put him out of commission for a while. The watched three people exit the helicopter and walk toward them. Two had machine guns and the one leading them was unarmed. Steve squinted, then suddenly realized who was walking toward them.

"Jackson Parks," he glowered. "What the hell is going on?!"

Taryn leveled her gun at the man's head. "Who the hell are you, you bastard?!"

"Please, Agent McKenna," he said with a slight accent she couldn't identify. "Drop the weapon. My sniper has his sights set on the Captain's head, so I suggest that you do not fire."

Taryn tossed the gun away. She tried picking up something from the man... couldn't read him... she couldn't even make her mind lift a pebble on the road either... what the hell?!

Parks laughed at her confusion. "You're within a dampening field now, Agent McKenna. Your powers won't work. Now, if you'll just come along with me..."

Steve spat, "What the hell do you want with her?!"

"Oh, my dear Captain. I'm actually doing this all for you," he replied calmly. "You killed my wife in cold blood. I've been thinking about what you did for the last two years. Finding out about your little tryst with this one gave me direction. I've decided to make you pay for your crimes. I want you to experience the same sorrow and tragedy that I felt."

Steve struggled to pull Taryn behind him. "NO. You leave her alone. Kill me if you want but leave her out of it."

Parks laughed maniacally. "Oh, I will, eventually... But she and I will have some fun first, I think." He gestured to one of his men to grab Taryn.

"Steve!" she screamed, struggling to get away from the hulking man. She tried to grab the katana still strapped to her back but the henchman grabbed it first and tossed it into the grass.

Steve fought to get to his feet and grabbed for Taryn.

"Careful, Captain. The sniper is still trained at your head, but I can easily have her shot as well." Parks produced something that looked like a collar and snapped it around Taryn's neck. She thrashed to remove it, but it wouldn't come off.

"What the hell is this!?"

"A dampening collar, my dear. It means you won't be able to use your powers against me as I torture you. You see, I mean to make your lover suffer by watching you suffer. I will take you away, and he will witness what I do to you from a distance. But he will eventually find you and when he does, I will kill you in front of him. It's all very simple, really."

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