Chapter 32 - Winter Wonderland

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Taryn McKenna had gone home to her cabin the week before Christmas. She was putting on the finishing touches on her decorations in anticipation of Steve Rogers' arrival. It had been a long time since she had celebrated any holidays, but this year it seemed like she celebrated every holiday with him. It was a nice feeling. Even with all the ups and downs, the injuries and battles, and even getting sent to the past, they managed to stay together. He made her feel safe and loved and succeeded in showing her every day. She chastised herself for getting sappy and hung the last ornament on the tree. She stepped off the ladder and smiled before the knock happened on the door.

She was grinning like a little kid as she opened the door and found Steve standing there with a smile. Taryn jumped at him, throwing her arms around him. "I missed you!" They had been apart for the better part of two months, save Thanksgiving at the Bartons, as Captain America and Iron Man had been the tour.

Steve dropped his bag and wrapped his arms around her tightly. "God I missed you!" They stood and kissed in the doorway. She broke away with a smile. "Come in and warm yourself by the fire! It's freezing out there!"

Taryn ushered him in and took his wool coat for him. He set his bag on the side chair and went to the fireplace to warm his hands. "At least the weather cooperated for the trip up here."

She nodded. "It's so good to see you. You're just in time for lunch. Are you hungry?" Taryn went to the kitchen to stir the large pot on the stove.

He came over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Mmm smells delicious..."

"Homemade Chicken noodle soup, thank you very much," she laughed. The timer on the stove suddenly went off. "Oh, that's the bread. Can you get that out of the oven for me?"

He did so, while she dished out the soup in large bowls. Everything smelled so good, including her. He had missed her so much while on tour, even though they spoke almost every night. She had been so happy to hear that he and Tony were going to do the tour, and she appreciated the photos that he sent back to her. Some brought tears to her eyes as he stood next to terminally ill children. Even though she was a trained SHIELD agent and one of the toughest women he knew, she had a kind and gentle heart, which was one of the reasons he loved her so. He had teased her about the photos with the nurses, but he smiled proudly, thinking he had proved to her just who he wanted to be with after that.

He sliced the hot bread and placed it on the plate she had given him and they sat at the counter to eat. They conversed about his tour, and the trip up to the cabin. How they both looked forward to Christmas, and that Natasha, Tony, Pepper and possibly others would be coming up to have Christmas day with them. Rogers felt at home with her, and it would be nice to have everyone together to celebrate the holidays with them.

After lunch, he helped her put all the empty decoration boxes away, and they sat on the couch before the fire in each other's arms. They didn't have to say anything, they just held each other and watched the flames dance on the logs.

Dinner was grilled ham and cheese sandwiches with more soup beside the fire, and Steve asked her how everyone in town was. "Oh, Ellie is looking forward to seeing you again," she laughed. "She has a whole apple pie with your name on it, she said,"

Steve laughed. "I'll bet. Well if the weather is good, we can head into town tomorrow."

She nodded and took the empty dishes from Steve and took them into the kitchen. He offered to wash them while she put the remainder of the soup in a container for the fridge. "I really hope the others can come up for Christmas. It will be nice to celebrate the holiday with them."

He nodded and handed the dishes to her to dry. It was funny how easily they both fell into domesticity when with each other. He hoped that was something that wasn't just coincidence. After the dishes were completed, they retired by the fire again. It felt so comfortable and warm.

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