Chapter 12 - Escape!

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Steve fired up the motorcycle and they burst out of the garage. They made it down the driveway before the armed men hit the edge of the property. They sped along the road and one gunman jumped out in their path. Taryn extended her mind and sent a boulder flying at the guy's head, knocking him out and off the road. She looked behind them sensing the chopper getting closer. Suddenly, gunfire burst around them and Taryn pointed to a break in the trees. Steve skidded across the road and then sped into the woods.

"This comes out at the highway," she yelled over the roar of the cycle.

They could still hear the chopper overhead, searching for them. "They must have infrared also. Try to stay away from the main roads though. I don't want any casualties."

"Right. Who the hell are these guys?!"
"No idea. No insignia on the chopper. It's hard to get a reading on anyone at this range. I haven't pissed anyone off lately, have you?"

"Not that I know of! But in this business the bad guys are always pissed off."

Steve could hear the highway up ahead of them and could see the earth mounded up at the side of the road and he shouted, "Hang on tight!"

He gunned the bike and hit the grass like a ramp. He sailed smoothly over the highway and landed on the other side amidst the spray of gunfire from the chopper.

"We have to take that out!" she yelled. "I have an idea!"

Steve stopped the bike at her orders and stashed it in the trees. She wanted him to knock over a small tree if he could. He exerted all his enhanced strength and took one down. She then reached out, lifting the tree with great exertion. Gaining momentum, the tree was aimed in direct line of the chopper blades. Immediately, it seized and the chopper went down in the middle of the highway in a ball of flame, stopping traffic, but injuring no one on the road.

Taryn wobbled and Steve caught her as she fell. "C'mon, we need to get deeper into the woods."

She nodded, stood slowly and got back on the bike. He rode it slowly through the underbrush, making their way farther from civilization.

Tony and Pepper sat on the couch overlooking corporate paperwork and drinking champagne when suddenly FRIDAY piped in.

"Excuse me, boss, but there is an incoming encrypted message for you."

The two looked quizzically at each other. "Can you decrypt?"

"Of course, sir. It is from Agent McKenna. Transmitted twenty minutes ago."

"Why the hell did it take so long to transmit?"

"It seems as though the communication was blocked, but it made it here in pieces."

"Play it, now."

A holographic screen appeared in front of them on the couch. Words started to flow on the screen. "SOS. Gunman approaching. 6 known. SR and I are getting out. Track my laptop."

Tony jumped into action and immediately sent word out to the SHEILD compound. He directly set FRIDAY on scanning for Taryn's laptop signal and glanced at Pepper. She knew he couldn't sit idly by so she simply nodded and kissed him good night. "I'll see you in the morning, Tony. Be careful. I hope they're OK." He simply nodded and made his way to his workshop.

"You think Tony got that message?" Steve asked as they stopped and took a break.

She nodded, trying to be positive. "I'm sure, eventually..." Taryn removed her back pack and fished around in it until she came to a small bundle about the size of a shoe.

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