Chapter 34 - Yuletide Celebrations

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McKenna and Rogers woke Christmas day and got the house and food ready. Pepper called to let them know that all of them would be coming up to celebrate. Sumptuous scents filled the house and she smiled as she sensed the jet approaching. "They're almost here," she said, grabbing her jacket and running to the door.

Steve grabbed his coat and followed her. He wrapped his arms around her as they stood in the doorway and watched the jet land. "I'm so excited that everyone is here. It's been so long since I've really celebrated Christmas with a house full."

"Me, too," he said, kissing her cheek. "And we even have news to share."

The group made their way up the path to the cabin and Taryn hugged them all and welcomed them in. She took coats and hats and dropped them into the spare bedroom and Pepper put gifts under the tree. "Taryn, this place is lovely!"

"Thanks Pepper. Lots of room for everyone if the weather turns too. Hopefully not, but we're prepared."

Steve played bartender and Taryn showed Pepper, Wanda and Tasha around. Tasha was fascinated by Taryn's war room. "I have to say I'm very impressed with this. Food, weapons, clothing... "

Taryn looked around, rather proudly. "Well it certainly came in handy when Parks' men came after us."

Pepper turned to her. "And you're doing okay after all that?"

Taryn nodded. "I'm okay. I have nightmares sometimes and when that happens my shoulder aches where I got shot. But for the most part it's all good." She brushed hair from her eyes, and Pepper's hand shot out and grabbed her left hand.


Tasha swung around from the panel of weapons. "What! What happened?!"

Pepper dragged Taryn over to Romanoff and held up Taryn's left hand. "Look! Taryn is that what I think it is?!"

Taryn laughed. "It depends on what you think it is."

"It looks like an engagement ring. Taryn are you and Steve engaged?!"

"You're grinning like a Cheshire," stated Tasha. "You are engaged, aren't you?"

"Yes, yes we are. He asked me last night on a sleigh ride."

"Oh my god that is so romantic." Pepper examined the ring and threw her arms around her. "I'm so happy for you! I wondered when he was going to get around to asking you."

Tasha hugged Taryn next. "Congratulations! It's a beautiful ring. Looks antique."

Taryn nodded. "In a way it is. He bought it when we were in 1946."

"And he held onto it all this time?"

Taryn chuckled at Pepper. "He said he just couldn't find the right time until we planned on coming up here for Christmas."

Steve passed out the beer to Sam and Rhodey. Tony opted for a seltzer with lime and they sat at the counter munching on snacks. They chatted about work and assignments and the past charity tour.

"This is quite a place Taryn has here," said Sam. "SHIELD must have given her a good retirement package."

"You should see her basement," Steve chuckled taking a swig of his beer.

"So how is the weeks' vacation going?" Sam asked. "Gotta be nice out here away from everything. Have you been doing anything special while up here?"

Steve smiled. "It is. It's a nice break from all the craziness. Yeah, actually she took me horseback riding. I hired the gentleman from down the road for a sleigh ride last night. Proposed..."

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