Chapter 11 - The Impending Tempest

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Taryn woke exhausted. Her eyes fluttered open to the morning sun pouring through the bedroom windows. Today was Tuesday - nothing special going on today that she knew of. Good thing, too - she needed to recuperate. Not that she was complaining about making love all night with an amazing man... She rolled over and was a little surprised to find Steve sitting up and reading a book.

Rogers set the book down on his lap and turned to her with a smile. "Good morning, Love."

She smiled dreamily and stretched. So, last night wasn't a dream after all. "Mmmmorning."

He reached an arm out to her, pulling her in to lay on his chest and he kissed the top of her head. "How are you this morning?"

She sighed contentedly. "Tired, sore and wonderful. You gave me quite a work out last night."

He blushed. "Yes, well, you certainly put me through my paces."

"So does that make us evenly matched?" she asked looking up at him.

He brought his lips to hers in a long, luxurious kiss. "I think we're very compatible." He kissed the tip of her nose.

They lay in each other's arms for a little while in comfortable silence and eventually Steve spoke. "Is there anything you want to do today?"

She grinned up at him. "Besides an encore of last night? Can't we just stay in bed all day?"

"Hmm... that my dear, sounds like a wonderful idea," he said, finishing with a kiss.

A good while later, Taryn lay back on the pillow, breathless. "My God, Steve, you may be the death of me!"

Steve chuckled and propped himself up on an elbow. "That would be interesting to read about..."

Taryn laughed out loud and slapped him in the chest. They giggled for a bit over that, then she decided she should probably shower. "You could join me," she said getting out of bed and wrapping a sheet around herself. "But something tells me we'd just end up getting dirty again."

His cheeks reddened. "You're incorrigible!"

She shrugged. "I can't help it. It's what you do to me. You've ruined a nice girl," she joked.

He almost took her seriously and she waived it off. "Relax. I'm joking."

"Well, yes... I knew that..."

"Good," and she disappeared into the bathroom. "You know where to find me..."

Steve heard the shower start. He should really leave her to shower in peace. But it does conserve water, he reasoned...

Taryn lathered up her hair was a bit surprised to hear the bathroom door shut.


He cleared his throat. "In the interest of water conservation, I thought I would join you."

That made her laugh out loud. She rinsed her hair and he could see her soapy silhouette through the large glass door. "Well by all means, for water conservation."

An hour later they emerged from the shower, dried themselves and returned to the bedroom. Taryn pulled on a clean tee and sleep shorts and grabbed her laptop and dropped on the bed.

"Hey, I thought we said no work today?" asked Steve in his lounge pants and tee. He was sitting on her bed reading his book.

"No work. Just need my internet fix. Check out the latest Hollywood gossip and all that..."

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