Chapter 29 - Thanksgivings

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Tony arrived back first with medicine. He handed some pain meds out to Steve whose leg was aching. "Thanks, Tony. Thanks for coming to look for us. I'm sure Taryn was pretty insistent..."

Stark laughed. "You could say that. I'd hate to be on her bad side."

Taryn came out of the bathroom. "Oh good, you're back. Hand me some of the supplies." She took what was needed, got Tasha out of the tub, and dressed her leg. Once Rhodey was back with some clothing, she helped Tasha into a sweat suit and got her into bed.

"There. You try to get some rest, okay?"

Tasha smiled. "Yes, Mom. By the way, thanks."

Taryn chuckled. "Any time, Tasha. Any time. Get some sleep." She turned the light off and closed the door. Taryn then went down to the room where Steve was and knocked softly. "It's me," she stated quietly.

"Come on in," he answered.

She opened the door and locked it behind her. "How are you feeling?"

He sat up on the bed and stretched. "Better, thanks. I've taken the brace off and walked around a bit while you were taking care of Tasha. Tony and Sam headed off to their rooms, and barring any issues, we'll get a flight out of here in the morning."

"Good. I'm beat." She sat next to him on the bed.

He took her hand and kissed it. "Thank you."

She smiled, setting her head on his shoulder. "You're welcome, but it wasn't all me. If it weren't for Tony and Rhodey..."

"Tony had his own agenda, I'm sure. But I'm glad you all got us out of there. No telling when HYDRA was going to find us and the jet."

"Well at least it's gone up in smoke so they won't find a trace of it. Did Sam say anything about the location of their ship?"

Steve shook his head. "No. After he took a hit, he had to land and lost track of them. He seemed to think that it may have been a submersible. Tony said he's running some satellite programs to see if he can put tracers on it."

Taryn nodded. "The quicker we're out of Peru, the happier I'll be. Not that I wouldn't mind sightseeing here someday, but just knowing that HYDRA is around does not make me comfortable."

Steve nodded. "I agree. If we can get out of here before first light we'd be better off."

"I don't know about you but I could use a shower... gets awfully stuffy in those suits, even with the coolant system."

Steve chuckled. "Yeah, I'm feeling pretty grubby. I may need some help though..."

Taryn grinned. "I can think of a few things to help you with.

"You're incorrigible."

"Always," she laughed and kissed him on the cheek. Taryn helped him to his feet and he unbuttoned his pants. Sitting back down, she pulled them off from the bottom. He winced then noticed that his left leg was severely bruised from mid-thigh to his ankle. "Well you certainly did a good job on it... It's a wonder nothing is broken. But then again, you may have healed quicker too. I don't see any cuts, just some brush burns."

Taryn got him into the shower and removed the bandage he had placed on his forehead. She removed her clothing and stepped in behind him and grabbed a washcloth. Steve stood under the showerhead letting the hot water run over him and relax his sore muscles. Taryn scrubbed his back and he sighed happily, bracing himself against the shower wall. "Ugh that feels good..."

Taryn chuckled. She then filled up the tub and sat him down in front of her so she could wash his hair. "You're spoiling me..." he murmured.

"I'm just thankful to have found you." She rinsed his hair and she leaned him back against her so she could clean up the cut on his forehead. It was healing very well, just crusted over with some dried blood.

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