Chapter 23 - Underground HYDRA

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Steve and Howard looked at each other as they sat across the table from one another. The ladies had been gone for some time. Rogers went to check on them as Howard paid the bill. He just caught a glimpse of green silk heading out the back door and he ran for Howard.

"They're in trouble."

Stark and Rogers dashed out the back in time to see the women being dumped into the trunk of a large sedan and it sped off.

"Damn it," Howard cursed.

"Had to be HYDRA." They ran around the front, jumped into the limo and followed the car.

Taryn woke with the taste of musty cotton in her mouth. She was gagged and tied to a chair. Looking around, she saw that Peggy was just coming to. Taryn noticed that their legs were not tied. She started to move her chair over to Peggy's and Peggy had the same idea. They moved the chairs back to back, and untied each other's wrists.

Once released, Taryn grabbed the gag from her mouth and spat. "Ugh, that is disgusting... Are you okay, Peggy?"

Carter rubbed her wrists. "Yes, thanks, you?" Taryn nodded and she continued. "We need to find out where we are."

It looked like they were in the basement of a store or office building. Taryn did a quick mental scan of the building. "There are two guarding the door at the top of the stairs."

Peggy looked around for something she could use as a weapon. They had taken her purse, which had contained her gun.

"Two against two..."

"Wait," said Taryn, moving toward the back of the room. Against the far wall was a shelving unit. "I think something is behind here."

Peggy looked around at the unit and found a tiny switch. She pressed it and the unit slid away exposing a stairwell and a wall mural of the HYDRA symbol.

"I don't sense any one down there. I need to see if there is any information pertaining to time travel."

"What makes you think they would?"

"Because I don't believe Leo Alphonse was working alone. He either had schematics from during the war, or something because he had no idea what he was doing."

Peggy sighed, "Alright, but we need to make it quick."

The two quietly made their way down the steps and found a small reception area at the landing. Scanning ahead, Taryn sensed no one, so they proceeded through the doors.

"Why don't we split up," said Peggy. "Can you give me an idea of what to look for?"

"The files we uncovered in our time were under Project Eradicate."

Peggy nodded. "Be careful."

"You too," Taryn replied

Jarvis stashed the limo a block behind where the sedan had parked.

"Do you want to go back to the penthouse to get your uniform and shield?"

Steve shook his head. "No time, and I can't risk being seen."

Howard nodded and pulled down a center console. Opening it, he took out several pistols. "One can never be too careful in the city." He handed one up to Jarvis as well. "Are we ready, gentlemen?"

Steve nodded. They would look for a back way into the building, get in, get the girls out and leave. Not much of a plan, but it's what they had.

Peggy made her way down the hall until she came to an office. No one was around, so she rifled through the desk, finding a few things that might be of interest. She then started going through the filing cabinet.

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