Chapter 30 - Home for the Holiday

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Two days before Thanksgiving, the jet awaited all who were going to the Barton's for the holiday.

Wanda, Sam and Tasha were loading their bags when Taryn came rushing out. "Sorry!"

"It's okay, we haven't left yet," joked Sam.

"I'm glad you decided to go," said Tasha.

Rhodey was in the cockpit awaiting take off. Thor was out in California with Jane and the Vision had opted to stay at the compound.

The flight to Clint's farm was uneventful and pleasant. Taryn was amazed at the amount of land he had, and the house was large and old and beautiful. She settled into her room after dinner and Skyped with Steve who was currently in Idaho sitting in a lounge.

"Hey, how's my girl?"

"I'm good. We arrived at Clint's farm. It's a full house, that's for sure."

"That's great. I'm glad you decided to go."

"Me too. Laura is very sweet and the kids are great. Speaking of kids, how is the tour coming?"

"It's pretty amazing. The kids are really enjoying it and that's the important part."

"That's awesome."

"So.... I'm pretty sure we won't make it for Thanksgiving."

"Well, I miss you... a lot. But you're doing something great for the kids, so..."

"I miss you too. We're still planning on being done just before Christmas, though, so I'll still be able to make it to the cabin."

"That's good then," she smiled brightly.

He hated saying goodnight over this impersonal laptop. "I should get some sleep. Early day tomorrow."

"Okay. Good night then. I love you."

"I love you too," he responded with a smile.

She could hear Tony in the background making fun of them and Steve saying "will you knock it off? What happened to privacy?"

Suddenly Tony stuck his face in the camera. "Hey! Aw, she has clothes on..."

"Tony!" Steve flushed crimson.

Taryn laughed out loud. "Good night, boys. Steve I'll talk to you tomorrow." And she shut the laptop down.

The next morning, Clint took Sam, Rhodey and his eldest son out hunting, leaving Taryn, Wanda and Tasha with Laura, Lila and their newest, Nathaniel.

Wanda sat entertaining the baby by manipulating his plush blocks around him. He giggled and laughed as he grabbed one out of the air and chewed it enthusiastically.

Tasha was upstairs in the shower and Laura was working on food for tomorrow's feast. Taryn went into the kitchen.

"Is there anything I can help you with, Laura?"

Laura looked up at the tall brunette and smiled. "Actually, you can help me with the pies."

"Sure, I'd love to!" So the two set to work on an apple and pumpkin pie.

"So," said Laura as she mixed up the apples with sugar and cinnamon. "Someone finally hooked the Captain?" she teased.

Taryn's face warmed. "Ahh... yeah I guess so."

"Well it's about time. I was getting worried about him. Very handsome, but entirely too reserved. I'm glad he found someone like you. I like you, Taryn."

She smiled. "Well, thank you, Laura. I like you too. You have such a lovely home, great kids... thank you very much for inviting us up here."

"Oh, wouldn't be the first time, I'm sure it won't be the last."

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