Chapter 7 - Any Excuse for a Party

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Taryn felt like she was under water drowning. She fought for consciousness and it seemed like she couldn't breathe. As she lay there, foggy images floated across her eyelids. Shouts and explosions still rang in her ears. She slowly felt herself surfacing and the muddled feeling was dissipating. She started to hear beeps and hushed voices and her eyes fluttered open. Looking around, she finally realized she was in a hospital bed. She sat up a bit more, feeling nauseous and sore. Gradually her memory of the events returned. It was the final clash with Markus Thornfeld.

Rogers had been very wary of the idea of her doing this. He had expressed his concern not only as an advisor to the Avengers, but as a man having feelings for a woman. She had been adamant in doing this mission, determined to prove herself to the group, to Steve, that she could do this. Seems like all she proved was that she was weak.

Taryn heard a soft snoring sound to her right. She looked over and saw Steve sleeping in the chair next to the window. Had he been there all night? She smiled softly and noticed he had a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He was so sweet... and she felt terrible that she must have worried him so. The TV was on and the news was talking about an out of control fire in the warehouse district. And that Markus Thornfeld had been arrested for crimes against humanity just outside one of the outlying warehouses. She watched the storerooms burn, thankful the serum went up with them. It couldn't have happened to a better fellow, she thought grimly.

One of the explosions on the news woke Rogers and he blinked himself awake. Taryn turned off the TV and he sat upright, and looked over at her. "You're awake!" He jumped up and nearly dropped the flowers. "Oh, ah, these are for you..."

She smiled softly, accepting them and putting them to her nose. "They're lovely. Thank you." She set them on the side table. "Were you here all night?"

He nodded running fingers through his hair. "I needed to make sure you were going to be okay. I carried you out before we went in to get Thornfeld..."

She patted the side of the bed, gesturing for him to sit. "Thank you. I'm just sorry I didn't take him out before he injected that shit into me. I can't hear anyone's thoughts any more... I can't..." she felt a tear escape down her cheek and he reached out and wiped it away.

"SHIELD's doctors are doing tests. They think it's possible that it won't be a permanent situation. That you'll recovery fully in time-"

She felt the tears flow more freely, "But what happens if I don't? It's who I am, what I am, Steve... I've been this most of my life. I .... I don't know what to be if I'm ... normal..." Taryn said the word 'normal' like a curse. All these years her relationship with her abilities were love-hate. Now that they were gone, she was lost.

As if Steve could now read her thoughts, he took her hands in his. "You are not alone. We're all here and not going anywhere. I will help you through this.... If you let me."

She was so grateful for him, for everything he had been to her lately. "I know you will..." She squeezed his hands. "Thank you."

"Well if it isn't the lovely couple," said Tony Stark from the doorway. "Nice to see you alive, Taryn."

She couldn't help but chuckle as he walked in with Natasha and Wanda followed him in. "Nice to be alive, Stark. I'm just glad that the mission was completed. Everyone else get out alright?"

Tony strode into the room. "Everyone got out except the bad guys."

"Good. Anybody hear when I can get out of this bed?"

Rogers spoke up. "The doctor had come in while you were sleeping and they're thinking in two days."

She rolled her eyes. "Ugh..."

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