Chapter 28 - Search and Rescue

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Taryn loved New York in the fall. The trees were just starting to turn. She sat outside on the SHIELD grounds after her morning run sipping her café mocha and enjoying her pastry. Steve, Sam and Natasha were out on assignment taking care of a small covert operation against HYDRA. She hoped he'd be back this weekend as there was a Hitchcock movie marathon on TCM she wanted to watch with him. Suddenly her phone vibrated in her pocket and she smiled knowing it was Steve.

"Hey, you."

"Hi. Hope I didn't wake you?"

"No, not at all. Had my morning run and now I'm sitting on a bench having my coffee and turnover in the crisp fall breeze. How's the job going?"

"Going well. Tasha is taking care of a few last minute things and we should be on our way tomorrow."

"Oh, good!"
"How about we have dinner out when I get back? We can try that new restaurant you've been wanting to go to."

"That sounds good. I'll make reservations for eight tomorrow night. Just call me if something comes up."

"You got it. I'll see you soon. I love you."

She smiled. "I love you too. I'll see you tomorrow." Taryn tucked her phone away and finished her coffee in the fall breeze.

Steve hung up the com and made his way to the cockpit of the Quinjet and sat down next to Natasha. They were on their way back to the main land from the scouting ship they'd been stationed on. "How much longer?"

"About an hour." They remained silent for a moment, then Tasha smirked. "How's Taryn?"

"Er... she's fine. Went for a run this morning..."

"That's good. You two have gotten very close since she first arrived at the compound."

Steve felt his cheeks warm. "Yeah, I guess we have. She's a great girl. I never expected to meet someone like her in this day and age. She's very modern, but we have things in common... it's very refreshing."

Tasha raised a brow. "You're really serious about her, aren't you?" It was an observation, not really a question.

Steve looked out the side window. "I am. I think she feels the same about me."

Romanoff was about to reply when proximity alarms sounded. "What the hell?! Strap in!" she shouted and double checked the cloaking mechanism. Still on. Then how the hell could missiles find this jet?

Taryn finished her breakfast and made her way back inside to shower and dress for the day. She had some files to review for Coulson, so she made her way to her office and set to work. About an hour when by when she sensed something happening. She couldn't explain it, but she had a feeling that Steve was in trouble... moments later, a SHIELD agent confirmed that for her. A communication popped up on her computer that she was needed in one of the facilities situation rooms. Shutting down, she quickly made her way to the room, and found several agents and Rhodey monitoring screens and computers.

"What's going on?"

Rhodey turned to her looking grim. "The Quinjet carrying Rogers, Romanoff and Wilson was just shot down North East of Iquitos, Peru..."


"Here's what we know. They were on their way back from the ship they were scouting off the coast on when anti-aircraft missiles were fired from a suspected HYDRA vessel in the water. We think the jet went down near Iquitos in the Amazon rainforest." Rhodey pulled up a satellite map of the region and pointed out the general vicinity. "We're not sure if they managed to get out of the jet or not. We've not had success contacting anyone..."

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