Chapter 24: Music Band Part III

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Lucy's P.O.V.
2 weeks of practices is done. And today is the day that each band from each section of grade 7 will compete. The name of our group is 'Move Foward' weird name right? Hahaha! But I guess that's is okay already. "Francis, tell them to prepare themselves for green room." I told him and he nodded and walked out of the room I am in. After a few minutes.... "So what is this green room for?" Albert asked while sitting on the couch across Pia. "I just wanted to say thank you for agreeing to represent 7-Descendant. And thank you for practicing hard in the past 2 weeks." I said sincerely and Pia and Alex smiled at me. "It's nothing at all." Justin said while smiling too. "No matter what happens, win or lose let's be sport minded. No fighting or doing anything rash at all." Francis said in a warning tone. "Yes sir!" Alex said while putting her right hand on her forehead like a military soldier positions once they see their general. "You ready team?!?" I shouted while hitting my fist in the air upwards. "Ready!!" They all shouted while following my movement. Let the band show begin!

Pia's P.O.V.
Me and Alex changed into our costumes. I am wearing a blue skirt that is above my knees and a whit long sleeves polo on. I have black socks that reaches at my knee and wearing black doll shoes. My hair is tied up to a pony with white ribbon. Alex is wearing a blue ruffle dress and she is wearing blue shoes with a little heels and wearing a simple white hair band. We put on like make up and few accessories then went out of the changing room. We saw Albert and Justin outside waiting. Albert looks dashing in his tuxedo. He is wearing a green polo with green and white striped neck tie and black pants and his hair is waxed up like a boy who just woke up. And it looks good on him. While Justin is wearing a tuxedo too with blue polo and white and blue striped neck tie. "You guys look wonderful!" Lucy said while observing what we were wearing. "Thanks!" Me and Alex said at the same time with a smile and the boys and Lucy just laughed at us. "Bands that will be competing please proceed to backstage." The speaker said and we all went to the backstage. I saw bands that looks like their theme is Halloween, Valentine's, Christmas and New Year. I know it's wrong to laugh at them but I really can't hold it in. They are so hilarious that I laughed so hard making everyone look at me weirdly. I stopped after a few seconds because Rick hit my back as if he wanted me to cough. "Sorry guys for the interruption. Please continue." Rick said while sweatdropping. The others look weirdly for a few seconds at me and then didn't mind us anymore. Pfft hahaha! "First up will be ****** band then ******* band and ******* band then ******** band and lastly Move Foward Band. Please prepare yourselves. That is all. Please return now." The MC said and then left us and we returned. I saw Lucy talk to two unknown guys that look like each other, twins.

Lucy's P.O.V.
"Hey Lucia! Long time no see!" A guy shouted while approaching me but I didn't mind since he is not calling me. He continued to call that girl 'Lucia' and then I felt a hand on my shoulder . I looked
back and saw the same guy who was calling 'Lucia'. "Hey! Why aren't you minding me, Lucia? It's been a long time already!" The guy said with a big smile but I just stood there confused. "Hey Lucia. How 'ya doing?" Another guy asked who look like this guy whose hand is still on my shoulder. "Uh... excuse me, but have we met?" I asked with a hint of confusion in my voice. They look at each other and had a sad expression. Soon after, we started talking about this and that and became good friends. They are twins though Brine is blind. Then after a few minutes I bid them goodbye because our band is next after the band that is currently playing. "Bye Steve and Brine!" I said and they smiled sadly which made me confused. I heard one of them murmured a bit. "Even though the brain doesn't remember, the heart will always remember it no matter how hard it is being tried to be erased by the evil of this world."

Alex's P.O.V.
"It's time to rock!" Justin said while hitting his fist upward in the air. Pisa and me laughed at that. "Guys, get ready. You'll be next in 3 minutes." Francis said and left. I felt my heart beating so fast and hard. "I feel so nervous." I whispered but everyone in the room heard it. "Relax. Stay calm. Just think that you cannot repeat what will happen today. Probably next year we won't be able to join the musical band and just this time. We have to cherish the moment as long as it is there." Albert said with a serious tone with a bit of sadness. I felt my heart dropped after he said that. I remembered my older sister.... How she died.... I am never gonna make the same mistake. NEVER. Suddenly Lucy barged into the room. "Let's show them what the 7-Descendants got! Let us show them our pride of being a Descendant!" Lucy said with a very cheerful voice. "Yeah!" We shouted and had fist pumps in the air.

-After the show-
"We won first place! Congratulations guys!!" Lucy shouted and hugged all of us. From what I know she is not a hugger type of person but since she cannot contain her happiness that she brought it out on us. Hahaha! "Hey guys...." Lucy suddenly said in a low tone voice with some sadness mixed in with it. "Yes?" Francis asked with a question mark written all over his face. "If it is not so much of a bother... I wanna know each and everyone's past someday so that we can be closer okay?" She asked sincerely. I look at the ground, unsure of what I should answer. My secrets are something deep, but I do have to open up someday. "S-sure!" Piano said with a smile as one year drop rolled down her cheek. But good thing I only noticed it. "Thanks guys!" Lucy said and we had a group hug.

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