Chapter 13: School Festival

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Alex's P.O.V.
   Just 2 more days and finally we will be having our SCHOOL FESTIVAL!!!! ^_^ I'm so excited! There will be haunting house, movie 102, and other booths. Then there will be contests like SciMath Fair, Special Cook Contest and others. This will be additional grades to our subject MAPEH and TLE if we participate and this is going to be really fun!!! I ran around the classroom around 4 times until Luke stooped me by grabbing the back collar of my uniform. "Your running around makes me feel dizzy. So please stop it. Why are you even running?" Luke asked me annoyingly a bit. "Itsgoingtobetheschoolfestivalintwodays!!" I said without breathing fastly. But it seems he understood what I said. "Okay, I know your excited for the festival but please quit running around. You might fall down." Luke said while fixing the collar of my uniform and sat down on his chair. I sat down beside him and kept quiet. I looked at him, he was preoccupied with his thoughts. Suddenly the door of the classroom opened revealing Justin with some drinks and food in his hands walking towards pur direction. If your wondering where are my best friend Pia and my close friend Lucy, they were called by the teacher because they had to talk about the plans of the festival. "What's wrong with him?" Justin asked while looking at Luke and handing down the foods on the table. "Dunno." I replied and waved my hand in front of Luke then put my tongue out at him. But there was still no reaction. I looked at him intensely and moved my face closer to look him more directly in the eyes. His eyes widened and a blush crept to his cheeks. I gave him a questioning look. When I was about to speak, Justin suddenly hold my waist and pulled me away from Luke. "Be careful. Your uniform almost got dirty." Justin said and started eating. I look at his table and he had no food, so how can my uniform be possibly dirty? I look at Luke whose cheek is still pinkish. Probably there is something wrong with Luke. I dismissed the thought and sit down in my chair, gave Luke his food and then started to eat.

-Next day-
Justin's P.O.V.
   Everyone was busy fulfilling the tasks given by Miss Ian and Krissha. I'm making some costumes for the haunted house. Base on the request of Lucy, she wanted a Herobrine in mine craft. Poor me, since I'm good at creating clothings I'm forced to do this. Talents always comes with a price. Alex was writing the schedule of the events while Luke was just watching her, actually more like staring. Tsk, I hate it when that guy looks at her. Anyways, I'm quite wondering if Albert like Pia. He is always with her. Like now, he is helping her draw and outline for the booths. He volunteered to help her. And it's obvious that Rick was bothered by Albert's presence. Suddenly I heard a melodic laugh. I look at Alex's direction and saw her smiling and laughing with Luke. I feel so uneasy and insecure. I'm not sure Luke  feelings for her but the bigger question is... does Alex have feelings for him?

-Day of the Festival-
Alex's P.O.V.
  "YEAAAAHHH!!!" I shouted very loud that I'm pretty sure that it could be heard from the faculty which was 3 classrooms away. Luke covered his ears and I laughed at him. Justin just glared at me and I returned the glare for no reason and then laughed again. "Be an example Alex. Don't be so childish and too noisy." Krissha scolded and left the room to call our other classmates for a meeting before the beginning of the ceremony for opening of Festival starts. After a few minutes a lot of my classmates came rushing in. "Okay, do the tasks at your best. Those who are joining contests don't think it as a contest. Just think that it is another collection to your learning experience in life. Enjoy the moment and cherish it because it may never happen again." Krissha said and everyone cheered. "Everyone! Win or lose we are still the best alright?!!???" I shouted and everyone cheered louder. "LET THE FESTIVAL BEGIN!" Ysabel shouted and everyone attended to their respective tasks. I went to the booth me and Pia are having together. It's full of sweets. "What is the schedule again Alex?" Pia asked me. I sighed. This is the sixth time I'm going to tell her. "9a.m.-2 p.m. are the opening of all the booths. The haunted house booth, the couple booth and many others. 2-4 p.m. we will go to the big theater wherein all the contests will be held. 4-6 p.m. it will be the time of the party which will end the festival." I explained and sat down on my chair and leaned. "I just wanted to know. Why is the school festival just one day? Most schools have it for 1 week." Luke said while taking a seat to my left. "For everyone to know how to not waste time and enjoy every single moment in one day. An overload package in one day." Albert replied while sitting to the right of Pia. I noticed those two being closer and closer together. I think my childhoodfriend is in love with my best friend. Rick sat behind Pia and Justin sat behind me. Customers started coming to our booth. "It has started." I said and then entertained the customers.

Pia's P.O.V.
  Me, Alex, Albert and Justin are currently in front of the haunted house booth. We left the booth to Luke and Rick, they have a very strong appeal that they attract a lot of women of any age so we decided to give the job to handle the booth. Anyways me and Albert designed the booth itself and Alex and Justin did all the baking stuff and they didn't do anything so I guess that's their contribution. "Do we really have to go here?" Alex asked in a bored tone. "She isn't slightly afraid? What kind of girl is she." Justin mumbled to himself.
I chuckled at that and we paid for the tickets then went inside. When we entered we immediately saw Lucy in herobrine costume. Supposedly herobrine isn't suppose to be scary, but with what Lucy did to herself with make up startled me and Alex making us jump and scream a bit. Lucy laughed scary and disappeared. "How do they do that?" Albert asked in amazement. When we finally reached the front of the exit door, Alex and me were pulled into a cage and locked there. I saw Albert and Justin look for us but it seems they can't see us. Are they dumb? Why won't they try looking at the back? The cage is big enough to catch the attention of anyone. "Hey dumb people. Look behind you." Alex said in a bored tone. When I looked at her hands it was trembling a bit. Was she just showing a brave-boredomlike act? The boys look back and sighed out of relief and unlock us by solving a riddle. "Finally." Alex mumbled and sighed. Next stop we went to guess the somehowlike future. 'Seriously?' I thought to myself. We went inside and there was a student wearing an old woman costume. "Boys and girls must be separated and then choose one jewel immediately. Don't show it to anyone except another of your same gender. This is for free." The pretend old woman said. We separate in two rooms. I went inside and got a bracelet with the words encrypted 'Ask me' and put it in my bag. Alex took the necklace 'broken' for some reason and wore it and hid it in her uniform. We all went out and thanked the pretend old woman before we left.

Justin's P.O.V.
After the booths we went to the theater. Alex and her group are in the cooking contest. Me, Pia and Albert are her cheerleaders and the Luke and Rick will be part of the mathsci fair. Later Alex and Iel will be joining the HS Got talent event later.

Albert's P.O.V
Unfortunately, Alex's group won 3rd place and Rick and Luke lost. But we cheered the both of them anyways. Last thing happening is the showcase of talents.

Luke's P.O.V.
  We lost. Tch. How annoying. Arggghhh!! I was snapped put of my thoughts when I heards cheers and loud claps unlike a while ago wherein it was only claps. I look up to see my master and mistress, Iel and Alex on the stage. Alex was stunning, they were wearing simple but elegant clothes. Iel was on the guitar while Alex was on the piano. There were mics in front of them. I heard the music 'Photograph' and they started singing. Their voices were the only thing that was heard in the theater, everyone was silent. Including the college students and higher levels. I saw one of them videoing the moment. After watching the scene everyone was still in the amazement stage. After someone stood up and clapped to break the silence and people followed. It became a standing ovation.

Alex's P.O.V.
After the HS Got Talent, me and my little bro recieved the championship award. I only expected to be second place though.

-After the party-

  What a blast. It's so tiring. "Luke." I said weakly while reaching out to him. My legs felt weak and I was about to fall when Luke catched me. "I'm too tired...lets..lets..go home.." I said and everything blackout.

Luke's P.O.V
She looks so peaceful asleep. "Don't get any ideas. Just bring her home." Justin said and then left. I did as he told me. When we arrived home I put her on her bed and kissed her forehead. Then I left her room.

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