Chapter 3: New Student

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Alex's P.O.V.
  Its been 2 months since I was in this beautiful school. Lyceum of the Philippines Academy. Everyone was so noisy as I entered the classroom. I put my books in the locker that was high. So you can imagine how hard it is to put my books that was suppose to be put on a high shelter. Example your height is 4 feet and your putting it on a shelf that was 5 1/2 feet. That's really hard. It was beside Justin and Pia's which I was grateful for becaise they were taller than me and can reach my locker. Okay, enough with my insult of my height. "Good morning vice" Tan said annoyingly. This guy again =_= During the first week of classes we really didn't have a good start. We always fought a lot about a lot of things. "Not in the mood to fight" I said and went to my seat that was near the window. We had sitting arrangements a month ago. The whole classroom was decorated with friendly things. And information that will be needed were attached to the billboard to the left of the classroom. The person at my west-east corner is the adnormal guy which annoyed me a lot. I wish I hadn't talk to him during the first day of classes. Luckily my seatmate is Justin while Pia was to my north-west side. I reauested our adviser so I wouldn't be that lonely. I am close with Pia and Justin and bond with them most of the time. The president entered. "Get ready. Our adviser are coming with a news of a new student arriving. Act your best" she ordered us and we fix ourselves. As soon as the teacher entered with a girl student that was tagging along we greeted them cheerfully and welcomed the new student named Lucy. Byt she was really shy and she didn't want to talk with anyone. I tried approaching her but she would always run away and that was kind of painful for me. Drama queen. Hahaha. "Everyone, I would like to announce that we will be having an acquaintance party next week and then having some activities with pairing of sections. I will give you PSUBs and you must submit it tomorrow or the next following day or there will be a minor violation for the whole class. All for one and one for all" she said and gave us PSUBs and then left the classroom. Oh well, I'm not really interested in reading it. I took out my math notebook. "Pia could you help me understand this topic please? Justin is weak at this subject too so I need your help." I said with puppy eyes. Justin tickled me and laughed. "Stop it!! Hahahahha" I continued. "Would you mind?" Adnormal guy said with a cold voice which made me and Justin stop. Pia stood beside us and started teaching our Math lesson again for the both of us. "Ohhhh" me and Justin said in unison. "Got it?" Pia asked with a warm smile. We nodded simultaneously. "I'll be doing my assignment then. Thanks Pia" Justin said then put on headphones. I look at Lucy who was just quiet. I think she doesn't know about the math assignment. I approached her. "Hey Lucy, we have an assignment in Math. I'll teach you the lesson" I said and sat down at the vacant seat where Darwin actually sits down. She just nodded. She wasn't even smiling at me. Aww. She has almost thesame color as Pia but a bit darker then she has light brown eyes and taller than me. After I teach her this and that... "Could we be friends?" I asked her. She hesitated. "Let me think for a while Ma'a-" I cut her off. "Alex. Its Alex." I said. She was a bit irritated that I cut her off. "Name is Lucy" she said. Then she stood up and left me. She really keeps her composure and distance. I returned to my seat and did my assignment.

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