Chapter 2: Tour

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Pia's P.O.V.
  Second day of classes. I entered the classroom. Damn. Wow. The atmosphere is as tense as yesterday. As if we didn't still know each other. I saw a familiar face at that back who was just reading a book and somehow talking to Justin who was beside her. He has dirty blond hair, blue eyes, white skin and has perfect features. He looks like an ideal guy, and I'm wondering what's the relationship between the both of them. "Hi Justin and Alex. Good morning" I greeted. I have wavy hair that is brown and smooth. My skin was a bit brown because I was a soccer player before, I have almond eyes and I'm a bit taller than Alex. "Good morning too!" They said in unison which made me giggled a bit. "May I sit beside you Alex?" I asked. She nodded with a smile in response. More of our classmates entered the classroom and it became really noisy. We are 24 students in the class. And the classroom is very large. "Good morning class" Our adviser said. "Good morning Miss" we replied while standing up. We had opening prayer then sat down. "Later, some of our college students will bring you around the school. You will be together with the athlete section and the regular section. You guys are in 7-A because you have excellent grades and your skills in sports are either average or excellent, so you are called the Descendant Section. 7-B are where the athletes are. 7-C and 7-D are regular students with average or good grades and 7-E are the Pilot Students where in they are all smart. I will be giving you guys hard copy of the history of this school and about the founder Jose P. Laurel during dismissal time. And to those who has gadgets I would like you to not use it during discussion time unless you have asked the teacher first. There are CCTVs inside this school, so you would be caught if ever you did something wrong." Miss Ian said. Then she explained the rules and the correct attire. To be honest I already knew a lot of stuff about this school before I entered. Why? Because I have a neighbor named Liam that is grade 9 now and my brother is a college student here. So yeah, I gathered information from them. During recess time I came with Justin and Alex. "So how old are you?" Alex asked me. "Im 11. How about you and Justin?" I asked. "Im 12 while he is 13" she replied with a smile. When she noticed that Justin wasn't smiling too but giving me the cold shoulder she nudge him hard on the arm that made him yelp. His face softened but still didn't smile. "My birthday is on Jan 18. His is on December 12. You?" She asked politely. "May 23" I replied. After recess we had the voting of officers immediately.
President- Krissha (funny, strict and hates being disobeyed)
Vice President- Alex (scary at times, but mostly playful and cheerful)
Secretary- Maria (disciplines the class)
Treasurer- Tan (he doesn't look dependable on collecting money but I guess its okay)
P.R.O.- Ysabel (very strict, funny, laughs a lot)

  Then after lunch we went around the school. I took out my Huwaei cellphone and pictured the beautiful spots of the school. They had a libary with 3 floors and a coffee shop inside too. Also during P.E. classes we will have swimming lessons in 3 large pools inside a building seperated from the school. Or volleyball practice or basketball practice in a very large court that can cover three large field of crops. And then they have a lagoon too! And their school buses was incredibly amazing. It had aircon and a large t.v. on top and the each chair had its own cup holder and pillow. Wow. It made my jaw drop to the floor.
     During dismissal time we recieved the hard copy of the history, our diaries and our I.D. My time with Alex and Justin was golden because I had fun with them. As in a lot of fun. We did some daring things but we did know our limit. I'm glad I met those two.

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