Chapter 6: Planting Season

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Bea's P.O.V.
    Our science teacher and our adviser went inside the classroom. "Today, we will discuss where we will have the 'Plant Session'" Sir said while opening his computer and showing a PowerPoint presentation. I groaned which caught the attention of Pia who was my seatmate and she nudged me. Tsk. I rubbed the part she hit me. It was painful. "We are going to have the activity in Iloilo" Miss said. Tan raised his hand. "Miss, is this included in our grades?" He asked. "Yes Mister Tan. For Science, English and Health subject" Sir said. I raised my hand this time. "If ever our parents won't allow?" I asked. It's not like my parents won't allow me, I just wanted to ask for Alex. She is a close friend of mine. And her parents are very strict... so yeah. "The students will be left here planting plants on the school grounds and answer activity sheets" Miss said. In the corner of my eyes I saw Alex sighed. Wish her the best. "No more questions?" Miss asked. The class stayed silence for few minutes and then sir and miss continued with discussion.

-Recess time-

  Pia and Lucy went to the library first because they had some important things to do and left Alex with me. Why? I dont know either. "Lets go to the mini restaurant over there please?" Alex said with puppy eyes. I just nodded annoyingly. Her puppy eyes didn't work on me FYI. I just didn't want to be bothered about it the whole day. I sat in across her and ordered. Then also the guy beside her ordered too. "It's my treat for you but not HIM" I said while glaring at the guy beside her. He was tagging along since a while ago. It's getting on my nerves. "Wherever she goes I go.Got a problem missy?" The guy asked irritated. "Obviously yes, because your mere presence is a nuisance." I fired back. Alex put her hands at both of our faces. "Please dont argue in front of me. Let's just relax and don't get worked up" Alex said. He kept quiet and averted his gaze somewhere else. "Tch" was all I said and it became silent.

Alex's P.O.V.
  After that scene we went back to the classroom. Actually only me went to the classroom because Bea went to the C.R. and Justin was called by the principal. When I entered the classroom, I regreted it because I saw Mister Adnormal. "Whoops! Wrong classroom." I said while I was about to U turn. "Scaredy cat are you?" He said with a teasing tone. I look back and changed my mind then slam the door behind me which caused the other class to shout at me. I sat in my chair near the window and got my phone and put earphones. There wasn't music actually because I'm not fond of it but I didn't want to talk to adnormal guy either. "I know you aren't listening to music" he said. O_O I didn't mind him though and just keep on staring outside. He cleared his throat but I pretended not to hear him at all. It would be awkward talking to him and he might ruin my afternoon. He tapped my shoulder. "What do you want?" I asked annoyed. "Would you please take off the earphones that doesn't have music?" He asked irritated. I did as he told me. "I uhm... sorry for how I acted before...uh... during first day of classes" he said looking everywhere but me. I smiled. "It's alright. Don't worry. Friends?" I asked reaching out my hand. He looked at my hand and then at me. He shook my hand. "Friends"

Pia's P.O.V.
   My parents allowed me to go to Iloilo since we have a vacation house there. Note, I'm rich and my parents and famous business people... so yeah. Everyone was early in class, it's still 5 am. Me and the students that are coming are wearing red shirt with the logo of Lycuem of the Philippines Academy at the right corner of the shirt. This time Alex's parents let her go because she has some relatives in there but her parents decided to let her stay at my place since her relatives will be busy. The only sad thing is Lucy and Justin are gonna stay here because their parents won't allow them. Me and Alex will overnight at my vacation house while the rest stay at some kind of hotel. This trip is exclusive for Descendant classes. Meaning grade 7-9 descendant classes. I still feel sorry for Lucy and Justin though. They won't be able to experience the fun in adventure.

Lucy's P.O.V.
    They left at 6am, there wasn't that many students who joined. Maybe around 115 students only out of 200+ students. Before the teacher in charge left they gave us 20 activity sheets. =_= I really have a feeling my head is going to axhe for the whole day. Good thing tomorrow is Saturday but I have 5 to pass today. It sounds easy because you think it's thin, but in reality..... ITS THICK. Poor brain please survive.

Ysabel's P.O.V.
"Whooo!! Yesss!!!!" I shouted while swirling around with my light buggage. It just has some clothes and some accessories and done! Charot. I ran to the airplane ahead of my classmates. "Miss Ysabel! Come back here!!" Our adviser shouted because I was far already. I look back while smiling at miss and showed a peace sign and then returned to running towards the plane. I look Alex who looks like she didn't feel well and smiled weakly looking at the plane. Is it possible that.....? I slowly went up the stairs of the airplane. I look at my airplane ticket and saw my seat number. It's near the front area in the window side. ^_^ I think its my lucky day. I let the flight attendant put my bag in the baggage area because..... I'm too small... Anyways I sat down in my assigned seat and made myself comfy.

Francis' P.O.V.
     I watched Alex get on the plane. She sat in between me and Pia. And I saw her hold on both of the arm chair at her right and left side tightly. Pffft... Pia just kept on rubbing her back. Pffffffffffffffft.... Alex bended down and looking directly at the floor. PFFFFFFFFFTTTTT.... then she closed her eyes tightly. I wasn't able to control my laughter anymore and laughed out loud. Her eyes shot open and glared at me. "A-are.. hahahahha y-y-you hahaha a-afraid of f-glying?!?!???" I said loudly that all of the students looked at me. While Alex on the other hand was so red because of embarrassment. I laughed more. "Bully" she murmured. I heard some students giggled and went back to work. She punched my arm as hard as she can but wasn't hard for me. I laughed at her. "Would you mind?!" She whispered angrily. I laughed louder. Suddenly my Science teacher scolded me and I kept quiet. She held Pia's hand tightly and I saw Pia got hurt a bit but didn't mind it. Was she really that scared? The plane started to move and she held Pia's arm more tight. Pia, unknowingly fell asleep. She did have eye bags. Probably she was too excited for today that she forgot to sleep. When the plane started to ascend I was caught off guard when Alex hold my arm tightly. Damn, it's painful. Really painful. I saw tears flow from her eyes. I didn't know she was that scared. "Alex! Alex!" I whispered as the plane stabilized. She opened her eyes a bit and then close it immediately. "Come on weirdo, better open your eyes." I whispered irritated. She held my arm tighter and slowly opened her eyes. "Thats better" I whispered. She smiled weakly. "So why are you scared of flying?" I asked. "Because of my grandpa.. who died in an airplane..crash..horribly." she whispered while some tears fell. I wiped the tears that suprised her. "You know, I had a grandma that was close with me.. she always took care of me and made me happy. Her smile was something else. But. She died because of a disease.. and so now and then I keep away from people who are sick because I was afraid of them" I said. She giggled a bit which made me blush. Her laugh was so cute!

Pia's P.O.V.
  When we arrived at the vacation house seperated from the others we unpacked our stuff. Its morning, so later in the afternoon will be the start of the activity. To my suprise Alex immediately went to the t.v. area and opened the t.v. while not minding the other maids and butlers who were greeting her and sat down on the couch. I went near her and whispered "Why didn't you greet them back?" I asked. She looked at me with her cheeks burning. "Because I might fangirl. Usually things like this only happens in animes.... and I love anime a lot >//////< " she whispered with red face. 'Kyaah!! She is so cute!!' I shouted mentally. I went back to unpacking our stuff. She just watched anime 'Ouran High school' with a smile and started giggling. 'Wow. She is that addict?' I asked myself mentally.

   It's 3 p.m. in the afternoon and we were in the school bus. It had aircon, tv and all those fancy stuff. I saw Alex from the corner of my eye mouthed wow.

Ysabel's P.O.V.
  As soon as we arrived in the designated place I jump out of the bus and ran around the areas wherein there were only stomps and there were some ashes. "My gosh" I said with matching wide eyes. It's really shocking to know the reality. I got some seeds from my brown backpack and started planting. It's almost like life. "Some people died because of the harsh reality that they didn't see coming and some survive the suprise event and try not to let the younger ones feel their pain while the younger ones are still in the fanstasy world and think that the elders were just trying to control their life instead of avoiding danger. While other elders let the younger ones feel the same pain they felt so that they can enjoy others suffer" I mumbled and continued planting.

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