Chapter 14: Semester Break Part I

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Luke's P.O.V.
I'm done packing my stuff and all. *yawns* I look at my watch. It's 2:48 a.m. my flight will be at 4 a.m. I need to go to my mistress already. I got my luggage and opened the door of my room just to see Alex with teary eyes. "You knew I was leaving?" I asked surprised. "Leaving for vacation right?" She said while sniffing. She is so adorable! I pinched the bridge of her nose and she moved away a bit. I am 18 years old while she is 13. 5 years apart, so I know the feeling of being a child and being left by someone your closed with. "I'm just gonna have a vacation. 1 week only in Hawaii." I said while brushing her hair silky brown hair. "Make sure you don't find any girl! Or else your dead." Alex said threatening me. "I won't hahaha! Relax, I won't find any girls." I said and pat her head. She didn't want me to be broken down again like before. I have an ex that dumped me. And it totally wasn't my fault. I didn't do anything wrong. "I promise I'll be back. Don't worry. I'll be alright." I said and then wiped her tears and left the house. 

Thanks Alex for caring for me..

Iel's P.O.V.
  I saw my sister cry and cry. I was hiding the whole time. I saw everything. I came out of my hiding place and walked towards my sister. As soon as she noticed me she ran to me and cried. "Are you crying because he is leaving?" I asked softly while rubbing her back. "Y-yes. *sniff* And also because it might happen to him like what happened to her." She said saying 'her' softly and gently. Exact same scene happened before she left too. But she went to America for vacation instead. "It's okay. Luke can take care of himself. I know you miss her and can't stop worrying about things that may happen in the future just like in the past but we have to move on." I said and brought her to my bedroom and sat down on the bed. "For once, your actually acting like the real older brother you are. I always wondered... why do I have to act as the older sister.... when you are really the older brother." She whispered the last part but I still heard it. I kissed her forehead but she drifted to her imagination land when asleep. "I'm sorry, I just can't handle being the older brother sometimes.." I mumbled and then slept beside my sister.

Justin's P.O.V.
   It's 6 a.m. and I am in front of the door of the house of Alex and Iel. I was about to knock when I had second thoughts. I wouldn't like to wake up them if ever they are sleeping. I look at the door knob. Is it possible that it's open? Or maybe not. There's nothing wrong if I try right? I twisted the door knob and expected it to be lock. But surprisingly it's open. I invited myself in and closed the door quietly. It's so quiet. I looked around the first floor then went to the second floor. I went inside Iel's room first because he is my bestie. Once I opened the door I found Iel asleep beside Alex. If you compare the both of them, they are almost identical. They both have silky black gair, blue eye color, fair skin tone and flawless complexion. The only difference is their gender and Iel being more taller than Alex. They look like they have a beautiful and wonderful relationship as brothers and sisters. I wish I have a younger sister. I went out of the room quietly and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I got my cellphone and earphones and listened to music.

Alex's P.O.V.
I woke up by some delicious smell my nose pick up. I sat down and so did my brother. I guess we pick up the scent at the same time. But Luke is not here, so who could be in our house? Then something hit me, after Luke left.... I FORGOT TO LOCK THE DOOR! I look at Iel while he was looking at me. I guess he got the message since his eyes widened too. We dressed up in our casual clothes and went downstairs with some kind of weapon. I was holding a bat while he was holding a baseball. Once we reached the kitchen I saw a familiar figure humming while cooking. "Huh?" I asked in a question mark expression. The guy turned around and saw me and Iel. He took off his earphones. "Are you guys gonna play baseball?" Justin asked. My eyes widened and then sighed out of relief and so did Iel. "We thought you were someone else." I said while lowering down the bat. "Pfft hahaha that's what you get when you don't lock the door. Hahaha you just embarrassed yourselves! Hahaha!" Justin said while holding his tummy and laughing really hard. I glared at him and just took the food already and place it down on the table. "Lets eat." I ordered the both of them and started eating. "So why are you here onii-chan?" Iel asked while slicing the omelet. "Stop calling me 'onii-chan' when in reality your older than me by 2 years. I'm 13 while your 15. And you don't have to act in front of me. It's just the three of us." Justin said and took a bite of the bacon. I just ate quietly. Justin is the only one who knew that Iel is my elder brother. I didn't tell Pia yet because Iel doesn't trust her fully. "Anyways I would like to propose that we travel somewhere since it's already the start of semester break already." Justin said and drank water. "Only the 3 of us?" I asked while wiping my mouth with a napkin. "Yup! ^_^" Justin said with a goofy grin. "Alright. I agree." Iel said and smiled. Oh brother.

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