Chapter 21: Let's go to the Library Part II

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Albert's P.O.V.
"NAME: Lucy Ferrerozie
BIRTH DATE: April 3, 2003
LIKES: Experiments
DISLIKES: Nasty people
PARENTS: Endy Ferrerozie
Lisa Ferrerozie
FAVORITE SUBJECT: Science, Math, Music and Health
PAST: Been top student since nursery to grade 6. Has a younger brother named Liam. She experienced 3 car accidents. She is very faithful and loves God without equal. Has gone through every horrible situation." Tan said and then gave his report to Miss and then sat down in his chair. Woah, I never knew that about Lucy at all! Considering she is a close friend of Pia and Alex. The next one who stood up was Sharon.
"NAME: Pia Saladar
BIRTH DATE: May 23, 2003
LIKES: Everything that is fun.
DISLIKES: Everything that is boring.
PARENTS: Periu Carothers, her biological dad. Anderson Saladar her step dad and Kristine Saladar her mom.
PAST: Her father died when she was 7 years old. She witnessed the death of her father. After a day passed her mother had another husband. She has an older brother named Kyle Saladar and a half brother Leo Saladar." She said and then did the same thing as Tan did and sat down. Seriously... I didn't know that... with her smile everyday it's like she didn't experienced any of those. I look at Pia and I saw Alex trying to calm her down. For the first time I saw her crying. I sneaked to her seat and then brought her to the back of the class so that she won't attract more attention. She cried on my shoulder silently. "Take care of her." Alex mouthed to me and I nodded as a reply. I look at Pia and tried to wipe her tears.

Alex's P.O.V.
I hope Pia will be alright. I could see Lucy just sitting down in her chair calmly but it's obvious that she is mad because her fists were clenched and I saw Francis transferred to the seat beside her and tapped her shoulders lightly. Well good thing Francis, Albert and Justin has a good profile. They were involved in some accidents but it look like it never bothered them. I saw Jam stood up and went to the front eyeing me. ?_?
"NAME: Alexaxy Cay
BIRTH DATE: Unknown, just knows that she was born in year of 2003
LIKES: Anything
PARENTS: Both biological parents are dead. Adoptive parents are Sehu Cay and Sally Cat.
PAST: Her biological parents died due to an airplane crash. And she has an older sister who died in an airplane crash. She has an older brother named Iel Cay. No one knows the real name of the three blood-related siblings and their birth date since their records cannot be found. She almost killed her cousin Elezar. She is the next heir of the company instead of her big brother for her big bro doesn't have memories of his past. And she has 2 deadly secrets that are-" I stood up from my chair. "HOW DARE YOU! THOSE ARE TOP SECRET FILES AND YOU HAVE HACK INTO IT! I WILL GET YOU ARRESTED!" I shouted which made the whole class silence at my sudden outrage. Suddenly a voice told me 'Don't hold back.' Then I started laughing. The whole class looked at me weirdly. I eyed Lucy and gave her a message she would understand and she nodded and ran out of the door. "Wait... maybe I won't arrest YOU... I'll just kill you..." I said while walking towards him slowly. "Oh please Mister Laurel. You don't know any reasons of that. Have you researched and hack into my profile to know the reasons of my PAST Mister Laurel?" I asked with a sly smile. He shook his head as a sign of no. "Please, next time don't hack into something that is already marked as Top Secret." I said and smiled at him sweetly. He was surprised at this. I hit his right leg which made him kneel down and I kicked his stomach and he held it tight. "I'm really sorry guys. Please forgive me for my behavior." I said and then Like came in the classroom and dragged me outside. We went to a quiet place and that's where I cried it all out. It's so painful when I remember those. It makes my heart ache. I cannot accept the whole truth. I cried and cried to let all the pain inside my heart out.

Justin's P.O.V.
The guards took out Jam out of the school and arrested him even though he is young. I heard Lucy say that her file was really Top Secret and was authorized by the government itself. Jam knew he would be arrested but why did he still continue? I'm still really in the surprise moment. Everything isn't registering in my mind. "Miss, you are officially fired by your boss Sir Laurel. You have join in the plan of his son Jam Laurel in exposing such information to this students." One of the police officers said then cuffed her hands. The 7-Descendant class had made scene. And now they are paying people to shut their mouths and erase all evidence and not let it be on newspapers or spread anywhere. H-how did it come to this? With that just simple spread of information, it has caused a big effect. Just what is the Cay family keeping that is so big it would cause this commotion?

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