Chapter 20: Let's go to the library! Part I

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Lucy's P.O.V.
"Class, bring your notebook. Then please pick a paper here in this container and that will be the name wherein you will research the person and read them aloud in class. Do not tell anyone the name of the person you picked." Our research teacher said and went close to each of us with a container so that we can pick a random name in the classroom. I spot Francis looking at me and I look back at him with a question mark visible in my face expression and he just shook his head as a sign of 'nothing'. Then I just brushed it off. When it was my turn I got a piece of paper and then opened it. It's Ysabel. I sighed out of relief. If it was any of my friends I would have actually stalked them the whole period of research. This girl is the P.R.O. of the class right? I wonder who is behind the facade mask that has a big smile and always laugh. 'Now this so called research is getting more interesting.' I thought to myself. We went to the E-live. Every student gave their I.D. to the guy in charge of the computer system then started doing their research. "The font is New Roman Times. Spacing is 1.5. Don't side is 18. Short bond paper. Finish in 1 hour. The next hour we will be having the report." Our research teacher Saud and left us with the computers. I look into Facebook, Twitter and other accounts. And then I look into some of her secret files. Well, I don't know if it's secret or not because it us exposed here in Google.

-after 1 hour-

Phew! I'm done!! ^_^ "Class, go to the classroom immediately and don't forget your I.D. And shut down the computers and fix the chairs." Our research teacher said and left. Everyone did as they were told and went to the classroom in order.

-in the classroom-

"Let us start with Jam's person for research." Miss said and took her seat and watched Jam report.

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