Chapter 16: Semester Break Part III

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Justin's P.O.V.
  The next following day I woke up and I immediately went downstairs alert. Why? Because I smell something actually burning! And it seems like I am the only one who notices it. I went to the kitchen and saw Alex trying to cook but the food burns. And the flame is too high! And then it burned her skin. I walked towards her angrily. I turned off the stove and throwed the food in the trashcan. 'Please forgive me God for throwing away something that you have made for us human beings.' I thought then put the frying pan in the sink and turned on the water a bit making it steam a bit and then tyrned it off. Next I grabbed Alex's wrist tightly making her wince at the pain a bit. I dragged her to the C.R. and opened the medical kit  and applied ointment and then wrapped a bandage on her arm. "S-sorry." She mumbled. I look at her and she was looking at the ground. "If you still don't know how to cook you should have asked for help! And you shouldn't do it on your own because you almost burned the whole kitchen!! And look, you also got hurt because of your carelessness." I shouted at her. Her eyes are becoming watery. I softened. "I'm sorry for shouting at you.. It's just that I'm worried that you will get hurt again.." I whispered in her ears while brushing her hair. I felt her cry on my shoulder a bit then wiped her tears. "No, it's my fault. I deserved that. Please teach me how to cook." Alex said with matching puppy eyes. Seriously? =_= "I will help you even though you don't do puppy eyes. So stop doing it." I said with a rude tone and started walking towards the kitchen. I felt her presence following behind me. I smiled a bit because of that.

Alex's P.O.V.
   After Justin taught me how to cook I became a little bit better. And by little I mean as small as an ant. So I let him do the rest of the cooking since he is better at it. "Hey Justin?" I asked while sitting on one of the chairs in the dining area and watching him cook. My eyesight became a bit blurry and its like someone is pinching my brain vut I didn't mind it. "Hmm?" He hummed back while cooking. "Is it alright if you teach me how to cook every Saturday so that I may learn better?" I asked while looking how he cooks. His head turned around from the food to me. "I would gladly help." He said with a smile then look back at the food and resumed to cooking. Yess!! ^_^ After a few minutes Iel went downstairs and his hair was so messy. He looks so handsome. I'm sure if he wasn't my brother I already fell in love with him hahaha! But no one is handsome for me.
'Oh really?' My inner voice asked me. Hmm? 'How about Justin?' It asked me which made me look at Justin. If you look at him properly he looks like a guy who just went out of a girl's dream. He is so handsome, and dreamy and grea--....... O_O WHAT AM I THINKING?!?! I shook my head a lot just to erase that thought. Argh! Tch. "Hey, you alright Al-" I cut off my brother. "Yes,yes! I'm super fine!" I shouted while standing up from my chair. My eyesight became a little blurry. Justin turned to us and brought the food then put it on the table. Afterwards he looked at me and went close. "Are you feeling sick?" He asked while touching my forehead and moving his face closer. I turned red. "W-what are you d-doing?!" I stammered while moving back a bit from him. I feel my legs weakened a bit. "Alex are you sure your alright?!" Iel shouted while standing up from his chair. I nodded and smiled at them and started to walk away from the dining area. My head is aching much more. Damn. I walk and walk not knowing if I'm near my room or not. It feels like I have been walking for eternity! Suddenly my legs weakened and I hold onto a doorknob. "H-here is my r-room." I said in a weak voice and entered then lock the door behind me quickly. I try to reach for the glass with water but suddenly my sight was being consumed by darkness and my legs felt weak. I tasted blood in my mouth and touched it just to know that my nose was bleeding. 'What is happening to me?' Was the last question I remembered before I totally was knock out by darkness.

Iel's P.O.V.
  "I really have a bad feeling that Alex isn't okay. My guts is telling me." I said while looking at Justin who was just eating and eating like it's the best thing in the world. His cheels were still red. "Why are you red? Is it because your face was near Alex?" I asked and laughed loudly. His face became more red. "N-NO!!" He shouted while standing from his chair. "Maids, I'm done. Iel come with me. Let's check out Alex since it's your guts telling you that there is something bad going on." Justin said while walking away. I stood up too and followed his steps towards Alex's room. When Justin turned the door knob we both had widened eyes. We look at every room that she can possibly be. "WHERE IS ALEX?!?!?!!!" I shouted very loud that all the maids and butlers ran to us in a hurry. "I want you to check all the rooms and find her!" Justin shouted. The aunt of Justin who just obviously woke up was oblivion to what was happening and just went downstairs and ate breakfast. I help in the search for her but no where to be found. It's been 1 hour already. "Hey, why won't you check in the other room that is abandoned?" Justin's aunt suggested sleepily. That's it! Me and Justin ran towards there and it was locked. "Let's kick it to the ground." I said and he nodded in reply. "1...2....3!!" I shouted and we kicked the door at the same time. Our eyes widened and my chest ached. My heart was beating furiously. It's like it wanted to break like a glass immediately. "ALEX!!" Justin shouted and went to Alex who is unconscious and lost a lot of blood. I called out the maids and butlers and ordered them to bring Alec to the hospital immediately at full speed. The hospital was quite far. Good thing, on the way the doctor of Justin's aunt aided her in the car and then the rest was done in the hospital. Alex...please...please be okay...

-After 2 days-
We went home. Alex was smiling and kept on saying she was alright. The doctor said that she just had high fever and her blood was overflowing a bit that it came out of her nose. She was sleeping for straight 6 hours in bed on that day. I was really scared for life that moment. "Everything is fine. No need to worry." She said with a sincere smile. I sighed and look out the window.

-Next day-

Alex's P.O.V.
I came to Pia's house with Justin because we are having a group study! I asked Justin to keep what happened in the past few days a secret so that the others won't worry and surprisingly he simply agreed with me. And now here we are studying and answering the exams. We bonded and played video games after we finished the given requirements. Tomorrow is the time we return to school and the day where in Luke is coming back. What a wonderful week if you take off that certain 'incident'.

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