The Enforcer's Daughter

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Tori likes her life. Being told by her father's Alpha she's being sent to represent their clan as a potential bride for the regional lords son was not something she welcomed. Grudgingly she goes but has no desire to marry. She's not even River's type!

Annie's Thoughts:

I loved this story even though there are too many people going after her throughout the entire story. Problem, for me is that I know how the sequel starts off but there is too many loop holes and stupidity just for stupidities sake. Just to give you a warning, this might have a happy ending as her and River end up together but I'm not happy that they kill him off in the second book. Why? Why cannot Tori stay happy with the one she loves. So what if her first love was a High Prince, don't you realize that everyone will have a first love and not once would the person in the future be married to that one? Want to know why? Because first loves other name is called puppy love, aka something that isn't real true love. I should know, been there done that and have the shirt to prove it. The fact that they make River look bad in the sequel sucks, since he fights for his love for her. I know I'm raving about this but I can say that I'm disappointed in the fact that she doesn't stay with River and starts thinking bad things about him when people bad mouth him. Seriously, he was almost killed by her supposed first loves twin older brother. That's not even forgivable in my book, don't care if it was the brother, he could have made sure his brother wasn't going to do anything since he knew how he was. Like I said this story got me pissed and granted I love it I just hate the sequel.

Chapters: 30

Author's Name: Skylinger

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