My crazy alpha king royale

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Lexi who is 16 do not want to accept her fate and she is especially not ready to find her matebut what happens when she does does she accept his and her fate or does she gives up the roller coaster of emotions to keep living her boring life.

Annie's Thoughts:

The romance in this one is where he shows her he loves her even though they go at each others necks and torture each other with the abuse and actions. Now I can say one thing, never ever hit a woman/man just to show you are the one who wears the pants. Sorry, in my book that's just stupid, if you actually loved someone you wouldn't even try to lift a hand to them. The biggest issue I had with this one is the fact that there are crazy bitches in this story too much, and it's one of the main's downfalls. There is a sequel so go and read it.

Chapters: 29

Author's Name: shatteredpieces

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