Lonely No More [Werewolf Romance]

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Ella Marcelle has always been the quiet werewolf girl. All through elementary school and high school she was bullied because of her weight. But once high school came along, people found better things to do than torment her to death. However, that insecurity still lives on. As she watched her beautiful, thin friends meet their mates, her heart ached. She wanted someone to love her the way that their mates loved them. She dreams of meeting "the one" in college, but who would want her the way that she is? Only time will tell if her mate will accept her for whom she is. Will college bring her true love?Alpha Reed Cummings could care less that he hasn’t met his mate. He’s having fun fooling around with all of the single she wolves in the pack. But on the first day of his last year of college, he scents out something beautiful and when he follows it, it leads him to the most beautiful woman he has ever seen; full, curvy, just gorgeous. From there on he vows to stop his player ways. But will his mate accept him with his player ways and her painful past?

Annie's Thoughts:

Both of the couple in this one have major problems, granted the guy is his ego which is a norm for a man anyway, but the girl was bullied when she was little about her weight which no one should do. He has to prove to her that he doesn't think like he used to and is sorry for what he says about her. The fact of it is that there is always going to be a difference to your appearance, there is not one person that is a carbon copy of the other. Even identical twins have differences so no matter what you look like just be you, for Ella she did and her bullying stops even though the memory of what they used to call her hurts she is still herself. Now, who all hates bitches who steals other's men? *raises hands* I really do and the one in this one would make everyone pissed off for what she does to her own mate, do not go after something that is greater if there is something that is perfect just for you is right besides you. The idea that you could get someone greater is just that, an idea. Which means, you can't really achieve that even if you think you can. Parker deserved more than a mate like her.

Chapters: 33

Author's Name: TravyBearNLT

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