My Personal Trainer

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Payton is a big girl. She hides food under her bed, she hate anything that involves moving around too much and she hates most of the people at her school. Sadly her extra weight is starting to worry her family and that's when Tristen steps into the picture. He whips her into shape and pretty much makes her into the type of girl every guy wants. And the girl you'll picture when you think of the Beta Daughter.Payton never liked or loved a guy before. She likes Tristen even though he acts like he don't like her, but she's noticing the way he's getting very possessive of her and she likes it in a wired way...but she wants more...needs more.Payton is determined to break down his walls and make him admit the truth that she already knows for herself.( This is a Werewolf, Romance, Humor and Adventure story)

Annie's Thoughts:

This one brings out the trouble that some girls are facing with weight loss and training to lose weight. The thing I love the most is at the beginning they didn't even know of each other being mates. When it finally clicks is when she already has lost the weight and they are on the verge of making her into the newest top model. It's not a bad thing but then they fight the bond together, or technically she does and teases him. Which never turns out for the best. There is an unfinished sequel so stay tuned.

Chapters: 31

Author's Name: XBrooklyn13CubX

Werewolf RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now