I Broke His Nose When I Was Five...2: Zoe's Story.

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Since there is no summery I'll write this one myself. *grins*

The gang are back and guess what? We have the quads in prime size and age ready to find their mates. Zoe mostly goes around and plays with her brothers but she has a specialty, her ability to talk to animals. This brings her new friends and shows her how their lives can be lived. Now at six she meets a mysterious boy while playing hide and seek with her brothers. His eyes enthrall her and she talks with him until her brothers come, where he kisses her and leaves quickly. They meet again after she rescues a small kitten from a tree. Jace's history is a rough one since his parents were the evil that tried to kill her parents, he had a hard time growing up and now thinks of himself as an abomination even though his uncle has tried to reason with him. Meeting Zoe again makes him realize she is his mate and how much he isn't one even though they go through major drama between their families. Walk with them and find out how this all plays out.

Annie's Thoughts:

Meh, I could have done better but owell, I hope you liked the summery and enjoy reading this story. There are tons of drama in it that you can be aware of. Meeting all the new people in this sequel will get you smiling and laughing because of how much like her mother Zoe is. I hope you all read it and enjoy it like I did. 

Chapters: 16

Author's Name: hobbity0923

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