Howls of the Lost |Undergoing Minor Editing|

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Torian is different. As the Alpha, she takes pride in her small pack of nomads. One day her pack runs into a pack of territorial wolves and Torian meets her match, physically and literally. Logan is Torian's mate.Immediately, despite the fate that they are mated, Torian takes a dislike to Logan. Despite her wishes, Torian is forced to stay with Logan and his pack. As Logan fights to show Torian that their mating wasn't a mistake, trouble is brewing within the clan of vampires Logan's pack had managed to keep at bay for over three hundred years. They are starting to raise an army determined to take back the territory the werewolves have claimed and called home.Now Torian is dragged into a battle she doesn't want to fight and is forced to help defend her and Logan's packs against the vampire army. Tragedy strikes and she is pushed to face her past and call upon help from the people she hoped to never have to see again: her family.Will Torian be able to fight against the vampires alongside Logan and accept her destiny with him? Or will she forever remain a stubborn nomad with no one to hear her howls of the lost?

Annie's Thoughts:

The romance in this one is where he wins her over even with all of the obstacles in the way. This one is a first book and the sequel isn't finished yet and also sounds like she is losing motivation for writing some of these. Don't lose your motivation to write, because if you are a true author that means that you are losing a part of yourself. If you have someone bad mouthing any of these wonderful stories of yours that is up pay more attention to how many of the people leave positive comments. Then you can say whether or not you are a great, good, mediocre or one of the worst. I have had the worst on all of these since it was my own family that bad mouthed my writing, and the hilarious part of it is that they never once read a chapter of my stories, not even a whole book that I have completed (granted the ones I've completed are on my fanfiction: Aerianna69 and are of course either Kyou Kara Maou or Naruto done), I have had to ignore them and just pay attention to what my heart says because I believe in my heart that I want to write and continue to write. I've been bombarded last year on ideas left and right and I know it will take me a while to get through every single one of them but that is one of my goals for this year is to finish at least one of the stories I'm writing and start a new one. So don't feel bad about writing, just remind yourself what got you started on writing. I see this story as a great one and I can't wait for you to finish the sequel so I can jump right on that one and read it.

Chapters: 30

Author's Name: KimberlyConnor

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