Dancing on the Ice

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Jake Griffin loved coaching the local High School boys hockey team. It was entertaining to hear their complaints about the school system and their siblings or parents. It was the best when they all tried to hide the girlfriends or boyfriends from the rest of the team in fear of accusations for losses. It made his day. Especially the fact that the only one on the team who had to keep the unspoken rule is Bellamy Blake, the team captain.

Jake's daughter is Bellamy's biggest problem. Clarke Griffin is a quiet girl for the most part unless it comes to hockey. She had played for nearly 11 years until Jake's wife, Abby, decided it wasn't "appropriate" for a girl to play such an aggressive sport. Anyway, during the hockey games she would be the most enthusiastic fan in the audience. That was the problem. Bellamy normally tuned everyone out, but Clarke was such an enthusiast it became harder to ignore her.

Clarke came to every game, normally by herself or with her friend Raven. Clarke can be found at the end of practices normally waiting for her dad, but she never came into the rink. Jake typically preferred it that way, because Clarke is a beautiful girl and would most likely distract the team. She normally kept that unspoken rule for herself. Until one day it was nearly -20 degrees outside with windchill.

"Dad!" Clarke says as she enters the rink. The team is getting ready for practice so no one is on the ice yet. "It is freezing outside. Can I just sit in here and do my homework?"

"Of course, honey. Just... Use your headphones so you aren't screaming at the boys." Clarke nods as she takes her scarf off. The rink is colder than normal because of the outside temperature so she keeps the jacket on.

Soon the team files in and are immediately shocked to see the blonde sitting on the bench. Bellamy had to keep them focused on the practice otherwise coach would give them laps to make at the end. Clarke was oblivious to all of this. By the middle of practice she removed her jacket and distracted the boys. Bellamy got ran into the boards twice because of that.

"Alright, boys! Cap says to give your jersey to a girl for tomorrow's game!" Jake yells and all eyes turn to Bellamy. "Also, since you seemed... distracted today twenty laps to finish off practice." They groan but follow orders. "Clarke!" Her head pops up. "Twenty minutes until we leave!"

She gives him a thumbs up as she looks back down at her AP History textbook. The boys were finishing their laps as she read about the Roman Empire.

After they all had showered and left, Bellamy, the last in the rink besides Jake, began to walk towards the quiet blonde. He taps her shoulder and she looks up at him with a smile. "Hi, Princess."

"Hey, Blake." She said packing her stuff away. "What can I do ya for?" She zipped her backpack when she noticed the clean jersey in his hand.

"I was hoping you could wear my jersey tomorrow considering that Octavia will be wearing Lincoln's." He was nervous. Clarke hardly ever saw him nervous.

"Um... Won't Gena want to wear it?" Clarke asked politely.

"We broke up two months ago, Clarke." He said with a smile considering that she knew that since Raven is friends with Gena. "Please?"

"Okay." Clarke took the jersey that was held out to her. "You know I'm a junior, right?"

"So?" He questioned. She was pulling her hair out of her jacket.

"Even if the guy and the girl aren't dating normally seniors, like yourself, give their jerseys to senior girls." Clarke was having a minor freak out. Bellamy normally only talked to her in AP History and whenever she came over to pick Octavia up.

"Well, most of the senior girls would take it as though I was asking them out." Clarke deflated a bit, but she swears it was not noticeable. "This way I know you know about the whole 'no dating during the season' thing." Clarke nodded along as they walked to the doors. "Plus, it'll be interesting to see my big jersey on your rather small body." He joked and a smirk graced his lips.

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